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Commercial Law


The Myth of the Newspaper Notice Image

The Myth of the Newspaper Notice

Christopher M. Cahill & Jonathan P. Friedland

Maybe you represent a secured lender. Perhaps you represent a Chapter 11 debtor selling its assets under ' 363, or maybe you are a federal equity receiver, an assignee for the benefit of creditors, or maybe a state court receiver who is selling a company's assets pursuant to state law. Where do you post the information?


Demand Is Down, So Why Are Billing Rates on the Rise? Image

Demand Is Down, So Why Are Billing Rates on the Rise?

Julie Triedman

Contradicting the ordinary rules of supply and demand, law firms have continued to jack up hourly fees faster than flat demand and a projected 1.7% annual inflation rate would suggest.

Columns & Departments

Bit Parts Image

Bit Parts

Stan Soocher

Artist Merchandise-Approval Form Doesn't Shield Live Nation From Liability for Willful Infringement of Photographer's Works<br>Country Artist Wins Attorney Fees After Prevailing in Record Label's End-Run Copyright Suit<br>District Court in Fourth Circuit Decides Copyright Office Must Act on Registration Application Before Plaintiff Can Proceed With Infringement Suit<br>


Money Laundering Case Puts Spotlight On Law Firms' Use of Trust Accounts Image

Money Laundering Case Puts Spotlight On Law Firms' Use of Trust Accounts

Susan Beck

A $3.5 billion asset forfeiture case that the DOJ brought in July grabbed the public's attention for the alleged purchases involved: a luxury jet, a Beverly Hills mansion, Las Vegas casino junkets and a stake in the Leonardo DiCaprio movie <i>The Wolf of Wall Street.</i> But for experts in how law firms handle client funds, another detail in the case may merit special scrutiny.


Courts Address When an Alleged Employee Hacking Is a Crime Image

Courts Address When an Alleged Employee Hacking Is a Crime

Richard Raysman & Peter Brown

Although other federal appeals courts have weighed on what is access "without authorization" under the CFAA, the latest <i>Nosal</i> opinion appears to be the first that decides this question in the framework of arguable hacking of an employer database.

Columns & Departments

Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

A Collection of Moves in the Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Areas


Entertainment Industry Average GC Cash Salary Dominates Top Tier Image

Entertainment Industry Average GC Cash Salary Dominates Top Tier

Steve Kovalan

In 2016, according to ALM Legal Intelligence's list of the top 100 highest paid general counsel at major corporations, two of the top five hail from the entertainment industry. This continues a trend over the last four years whereby entertainment industry general counsel have found themselves at or near the top of the list when examined by multiple measures.


Economic Factors Driving Increase In Nonlawyer Payment Inquiries Image

Economic Factors Driving Increase In Nonlawyer Payment Inquiries

Zack Needles

As evidenced by a recent Pennsylvania Superior Court ruling invalidating an alleged fee-splitting arrangement between a law firm and an outside consultant, questions about the proper way for attorneys to pay nonlawyers who help generate business still arise frequently.


The Wealth Manager's Playbook Image

The Wealth Manager's Playbook

Tyler Horning

The pace and scope of change wealth managers are experiencing is unprecedented and is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, change is accelerating rapidly.


<i>Pok'mon Go</i> Raises a Variety of Liability Issues Image

<i>Pok'mon Go</i> Raises a Variety of Liability Issues

Robert D. Lang

Every generation has its own new fads, which can sweep across the country, if not the world, seemingly from nowhere, capturing the imagination and attention of millions. With the exception of a few fads, these activities, however brilliant or mindless, do not create legal issues and potential litigation involving those who participate. <i>Pok'mon Go</i> is one of those exceptions.

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