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Commercial Law


A Six-Step Data Privacy Program Health Check Image

A Six-Step Data Privacy Program Health Check

Kristoph Gustovich

Data protection is the responsibility of every individual in the company, and the legal and IT departments should only be drafting contractual languages, policies, and guidelines while working in tandem with each other.


Superpowered Form of <i>Stare Decisis</i> Image

Superpowered Form of <i>Stare Decisis</i>

Sarah Goodman & Greg Chrisman

The U.S. Supreme Court, in <i>Kimble v. Marvel</i>, stood by its decision in <i>Brulotte</i>, reaffirming that post-expiration patent royalty provisions are unlawful per se and therefore unenforceable.


Good News, Bad News: Credit and Collections Image

Good News, Bad News: Credit and Collections

Brett Boehm

The robust economy's low default rate has many creditors rethinking their collections practices and capabilities. But what should be their strategy for when the good times end?


Effective Ways to Implement a 'Less Paper' Office Image

Effective Ways to Implement a 'Less Paper' Office

John Gilbert

Going paperless" is something that many law firms claim they desire. There is exceptional value to be gained from a totally paperless environment and storing documents electronically, both in terms of cost savings and efficiency. Risk is reduced as well. However, going completely paperless is a frustrating task that is akin to slamming your head in a door over and over again: It only feels better when you stop.


Three Lessons for a Proactive Approach To Cybersecurity Image

Three Lessons for a Proactive Approach To Cybersecurity

Jason Straight

Do you know where your client's or organization's data is? It's not a rhetorical question ' it's a serious issue that should be at the core of any cybersecurity assessment.

Columns & Departments

IP News Image

IP News

Howard J. Shire & Brent T. Hagen

Federal Circuit Affirms '101 Subject Matter Invalidity of Internet-Related Software Patents Under <i>Alice</i><br>Patent Term Adjustments Do Not Apply To Continuing Applications Based On Delays In Application Prosecution<br>Federal Circuit Clarifies Standard of Review and Affirms Denial of Award for '285 Exceptional Case Attorney's Fees


DE Dealer Statute Only Covers New Equipment Image

DE Dealer Statute Only Covers New Equipment

Adam J. Schlagman & Gina Passarella

Suppliers only have to repurchase new, unused equipment from dealers under Delaware's Equipment Dealer Contracts Statute, the state Supreme Court has ruled in answering a question certified from the Third Circuit.


<b><i>Online Extra:</b></i> After a Dip, Patent Litigation Is on the Rise Image

<b><i>Online Extra:</b></i> After a Dip, Patent Litigation Is on the Rise

Lisa Shuchman

Patent litigation, which only a few months ago appeared to be declining, is actually rising significantly.


Wave of Privacy Suits Peters Out Image

Wave of Privacy Suits Peters Out

Ross Todd

Michael Rhodes, the charismatic chair of Cooley's privacy and data protection practice, took the stage at an awards dinner in late April with an extra bounce in his step ' and a blunt prediction for his colleagues in the plaintiffs privacy bar.


Like Kind Exchange for Equipment Lessors Image

Like Kind Exchange for Equipment Lessors

Jeff Nelson

If you dispose of an business asset and subsequently reinvest your sales proceeds to acquire a "like-kind" replacement asset of equal or greater value, then the recognition of taxable gain (along with the lessor's obligation to pay tax on that gain) is deferred until the replacement asset is sold or, in the case of subsequent follow on exchanges, until the replacement's replacement asset is sold in a taxable disposition.

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