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Commercial Law


Building a Vendor Management Program Image

Building a Vendor Management Program

Tim Strong

For law departments, today's business environment is making it increasingly difficult to manage, control or reduce costs while being able to achieve satisfactory results. This is forcing companies to become more efficient in managing and controlling legal costs handled both internally by the organization and externally by outside counsel.


<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> Health Care Law Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Challenge Image

<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> Health Care Law Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Challenge

Tony Mauro

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 25 upheld federal health insurance subsidies for an estimated 6.4 million moderate and low-income Americans.


<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> Health Care Law Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Challenge Image

<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> Health Care Law Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Challenge

Tony Mauro

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 25 upheld federal health insurance subsidies for an estimated 6.4 million moderate and low-income Americans.


<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> Health Care Law Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Challenge Image

<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> Health Care Law Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Challenge

Tony Mauro

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 25 upheld federal health insurance subsidies for an estimated 6.4 million moderate and low-income Americans.


<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> Health Care Law Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Challenge Image

<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> Health Care Law Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Challenge

Tony Mauro

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 25 upheld federal health insurance subsidies for an estimated 6.4 million moderate and low-income Americans.


<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> High Court Revives Religious Bias Case Against Abercrombie Image

<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</b></i> High Court Revives Religious Bias Case Against Abercrombie

Zoe Tillman & Marcia Coyle

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 1 revived a discrimination lawsuit that accused Abercrombie &amp; Fitch Co. of refusing to hire a Muslim woman because she wore a religious headscarf.

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In the Marketplace

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Actress Has No Copyright in Controversial <i>Muslims</i> Film Image

Actress Has No Copyright in Controversial <i>Muslims</i> Film

Marisa Kendall

The work of an individual performer in a film isn't protected by copyright law, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decided when it ruled in an 11-judge <i>en banc</i> decision that actress Cindy Lee Garcia couldn't use copyright law to force Google to remove a five-second clip of the film <i>Innocence of Muslims</i> from YouTube and other Internet platforms.


Examining Rulings On Pandora and Performance Rights Image

Examining Rulings On Pandora and Performance Rights

Scott Flaherty & Mark Hamblett

Little more than a week after music-streaming service Pandora Inc. won a key ruling in its royalty rate dispute with ASCAP, Pandora was dealt a setback in a parallel fight with ASCAP's rival performing rights organization, BMI.


Guide To Escheating Outstanding Trust Fund Checks Image

Guide To Escheating Outstanding Trust Fund Checks

Lauren Taguer & Bill Sansone

Escheatment laws are voluminous and could appear to be unrealistic to keep up with; however, knowing that they are there can spare you from an unwelcomed unclaimed property audit.

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