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A Legal Primer for Making Indie Movies Image

A Legal Primer for Making Indie Movies

Kelly L. Frey Sr.

While thousands of films are made each year in the United States and Canada, less than 800 were theatrically released in 2017, with many exceptional films failing to obtain commercial distribution because of legal issues.


<i>Decision of Note:</i> Live Nation Can't Force Arbitration over Online Ticketing Site Image

<i>Decision of Note:</i> Live Nation Can't Force Arbitration over Online Ticketing Site

Max Mitchell

Agreeing to arbitration was supposed to be as easy as clicking a button, but Live Nation was unable to show that a man seeking to sue the company actually clicked any of the buttons indicating his consent to arbitrate.


Meet the Lawyer Working on Inclusion Rider Language Image

Meet the Lawyer Working on Inclusion Rider Language

Cogan Schneier

At the Oscars in March, Best Actress winner Frances McDormand made “inclusion rider” go viral. But Kalpana Kotagal, a partner at Cohen Milstein Sellers &amp; Toll had already worked for months to write the language for such provisions. Kotagal was developing legal language for contract provisions that Hollywood's elite could use to require studios and other partners to employ diverse workers on set.

Columns & Departments

Counsel Concerns: Ambiguous Offer for Daddy Yankee to Settle Suit Ends in Attorney Fees Denial Image

Counsel Concerns: Ambiguous Offer for Daddy Yankee to Settle Suit Ends in Attorney Fees Denial

Celia Ampel

Attorneys who sued “Despacito” artist Daddy Yankee for defamation should have heeded the song's title and drafted their settlement offer slowly, a federal appellate court ruled.


How Ticket Software Lost Trade Secret Protection Image

How Ticket Software Lost Trade Secret Protection

Richard Raysman & Peter Brown

Trade secret protection applies only to confidential information. In almost all circumstances, broadcasting to the world the intricate details and applications of a trade secret extinguishes whatever “property right” an entertainment industry holder once possessed. What is a sufficient method of contractually notifying a software user of the trade secret status of certain information is a closer question.


Decision of Note: TV Reality Show Release Overrides Objection Clause Image

Decision of Note: TV Reality Show Release Overrides Objection Clause

Stan Soocher

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York upheld a release clause signed by an entertainment attorney who appeared in WE network's reality TV show Money. Power. Respect.


Smart Contracts and Blockchain Image

Smart Contracts and Blockchain

Paige M. Boshell

As the entertainment industry continues to assess digital blockchain-distribution technology for tracking transactions, it's essential to consider the legal implications for smart-contracting and contract management.


The Basics When Reviewing a Real Estate Tax Provision Image

The Basics When Reviewing a Real Estate Tax Provision

Mark Morfopoulos

There are several clauses that rarely find their way into a landlord's initial draft of the lease that may be beneficial to a tenant. In addition, certain real estate tax provisions that are typically included in a landlord's standard lease form need to be carefully reviewed to make sure they are fair to both the landlord and the tenant.


Use of the Blockchain to Contract Digitally Image

Use of the Blockchain to Contract Digitally

Paige M. Boshell

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements written in code on the blockchain. Parties contract digitally using distributed ledger technology. This article offers a layperson's, non-technical summary of the underlying technology and consideration of certain legal implications for smart-contracting and contract management.

Columns & Departments

Case Notes Image

Case Notes


Trial Required to Disprove Malice<br>Court Upholds Conditions Imposed on Zoning Variance<br>Lease Identified<br>Notice of Termination Not Defective for Being Sent By Attorney<br>Hearing Required to Determine Whether Lease Denied for Unconstitutional Reasons

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