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Antitrust Corporate Dispositions Image

Antitrust Corporate Dispositions

Marc Siegel

This article provides critical background on DOJ policy and practice, and highlights some of the steps corporate counsel can take during leniency or plea negotiations to secure non-prosecution protection for the company's employees as part of any antitrust corporate disposition.


The DOJ's New Parameters for Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programs Image

The DOJ's New Parameters for Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programs

Ronald H. Levine & Carolyn H. Kendall

The parameters set forth in the DOJ's memorandum have implications not only for the government's evaluation of compliance programs in the context of criminal charging decisions, but also for how defense counsel structure their conference-room advocacy seeking declinations or lesser sanctions in both criminal and civil investigations.


Do Your Employment Practices Violate Antitrust Law? Image

Do Your Employment Practices Violate Antitrust Law?

Robert G. Brody & Alexander Friedman

This article provides critical background on DOJ policy and practice, and highlights some of the steps corporate counsel can take during leniency or plea negotiations to secure non-prosecution protection for the company's employees as part of any antitrust corporate disposition.


The Arrival of Justice Gorsuch May Bring Opportunity to Reform the Collective Entity Doctrine Image

The Arrival of Justice Gorsuch May Bring Opportunity to Reform the Collective Entity Doctrine

Preston Burton, Bree Murphy & Leslie Meredith

Recognizing a Fifth Amendment privilege for corporations — whether through wholesale abolition of the collective entity doctrine or by recognizing some limited exception for custodians of smaller corporations — would not foreclose meaningful white-collar prosecutions, but it would restore protection of the Fifth Amendment rights of individuals who are sacrificed under the current bright-line rule. Will Justice Gorsuch help in this endeavor?


DE Corporate Law and Chancery Review Image

DE Corporate Law and Chancery Review

Francis G.X. Pileggi

Analysis of three recent decisions from the Delaware Court of Chancery that provide useful legal insights for corporate executives and those who counsel them.


The Internal Audit Function Image

The Internal Audit Function

William Floyd

The International Professional Practices Framework released last year by the IIA is intended to provide guidance for internal auditors, by seeking to focus on core principles. The framework identifies 10 core principles that describe or guide what an effective internal audit function should focus upon and to what it should adhere.


SEC Takes Aim at Political Contributions by Investment Advisers Image

SEC Takes Aim at Political Contributions by Investment Advisers

Joseph F. Savage, Jr. & Stephanie M. Aronzon

While it remains unclear both when the regulators will invoke their authority to enforce the nearly limitless strict liability provision of the rules and how they will determine the appropriate remedy, the recent settlements and the SEC's handling of exemptive relief petitions may provide some clues.

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