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Selling the Value of Litigation Support Image

Selling the Value of Litigation Support

Stephen Cole

When it comes to practicing litigation, the use of technology is no longer optional. What is optional, however, is under which business model firms deliver this service to their clients, and how to determine which model balances the most value — to the client and the firm.


Enhancing Lateral Partner Opportunities and Compensation Image

Enhancing Lateral Partner Opportunities and Compensation

Randi Lewis

You are a partner in a law firm and you have decided to make a lateral move. You want it to be the right move to a better platform. Where do you start and how do you maximize the likelihood of a successful outcome? The more you are prepared to answer and ask questions, the greater the likelihood this next move will be an optimal one for you and the firm you are joining.

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  2. Need other assistance? email Customer Service or call 1-877-256-2472.