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Sixth Circuit's Decision on Privacy Claims over Data Breaches Image

Sixth Circuit's Decision on Privacy Claims over Data Breaches

By Shari Claire Lewis

Data breaches such as the one Yahoo recently revealed (500 million accounts!) get the big headlines. In response, large companies double down on their efforts to protect the security of their data. But small to midsize businesses often fail to appreciate the risk of a data breach to their own business.


2016: The Year Everything Changed In Social Media Marketing Image

2016: The Year Everything Changed In Social Media Marketing

By Larry Bodine

Three megatrends culminated in online business development in 2016, requiring attorneys to change their digital marketing tactics and to re-focus on what produces results.


Increase of IP Cyberthefts on the Horizon, and Many Unprepared Image

Increase of IP Cyberthefts on the Horizon, and Many Unprepared

Ricci Dipshan

Though cybertheft of intellectual property is predicted to dramatically increase over the next 12 months, a significant portion of companies has yet to fully secure their IP assets, according to a survey released by Deloitte Cyber Risk Services.

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