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China Passes Controversial Internet Security Law Image

China Passes Controversial Internet Security Law

Anna Zhang

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature approved the new Cybersecurity Law on November 7, which was created for reasons of national security and to curb internet fraud. It will take effect in June 2017.


Mexico's New Anti-Corruption Framework Image

Mexico's New Anti-Corruption Framework

Saskia Zandieh & Diego Sierra

On July 18, 2016, Mexico published a comprehensive body of new anti-corruption legislation implementing its 2015 Constitutional reform on this area of the law. The new legislation has received significant attention, and for good reason. However, it has long been plagued with a reputation for corruption, both at the federal and local levels.


The New Anti-Bribery Compliance Standard Image

The New Anti-Bribery Compliance Standard

Doreen Edelman

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) introduced a new standard for anti-bribery compliance, known as “ISO 37001,” in September. This represents a significant step toward the continued development and standardization of international anti-bribery compliance. By the end of the year, companies can obtain an independent certification from a third-party auditor, attesting to the fact that their internal compliance programs conform to ISO 37001 requirements. So is it worth your time? It depends.

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