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Real Property Law

ljnstaff & Law Journal Newsletters

Discussion and analysis of several key cases.

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ljnstaff & Law Journal Newsletters

Discussion of two rulings of interest to you and your practice.

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Real Property Law Image

Real Property Law

ljnstaff & Law Journal Newsletters

A look at two recent cases of interest.


The 'Death Spiral' of Malls Image

The 'Death Spiral' of Malls

Eric S. Chafetz

It's impossible not to notice the vacancies when walking into a shopping mall in the United States. To stem the tide, certain mall owners in high-profile bankruptcy cases have addressed the retail bankruptcy trend in a unique and (virtually) unprecedented way.


Eminent Domain: Establishing the Highest and Best Use Image

Eminent Domain: Establishing the Highest and Best Use

Janice G. Inman

When a building or lot is taken through eminent domain, the value of the property often becomes a matter of dispute between the government and the owner. What if the property had the potential to become more developed?


Avoiding Tax Pitfalls in New York Real Property Transfers in Separation and Divorce Image

Avoiding Tax Pitfalls in New York Real Property Transfers in Separation and Divorce

Eli Uncyk & Jeffrey S. Kofsky

Most divorces involve the transfer of a marital residence between the parties as part of equitable distribution, especially when there are minor children who will continue to reside in the family home.There is a transfer tax payable on the transfer of real estate, including the marital residence, in connection with the implementation of the marital settlement agreement or divorce.

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