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Deferred Compensation and Safe Harbor Plans Image

Deferred Compensation and Safe Harbor Plans

Lawrence L. Bell

The Department of the Treasury has issued final regulations addressing deferred compensation and safe harbor planning utilizing §§ 409A(d)(1), 457(e)11 and 31.3121(v)(2). These regulations set forth how plan sponsors can provide death benefits on a permissibly selective basis.


What Law Firms Can Learn from The Ninth Annual Law Department Operations Survey Image

What Law Firms Can Learn from The Ninth Annual Law Department Operations Survey

Robin Snasdell

Over the last few years, the legal operation manager's role has flourished, growing from a profession in its infancy into an unruly teenager, far more mature but with substantial areas poised for development. The results of the survey showed that more than ever, law departments are focused on implementing programs and structures to improve their financial management and deliver value.


Is Your Firm's Partner Comp Spread Too Narrow? Image

Is Your Firm's Partner Comp Spread Too Narrow?

Hugh A. Simons

It is fast becoming an imperative for elite firms to widen the range of their partner compensation. Too narrow a range allows competitors with wider ranges to lure away the most commercially successful partners.


Proposed Partnership Regulations Create Estate and Charitable Tax Planning Opportunity Image

Proposed Partnership Regulations Create Estate and Charitable Tax Planning Opportunity

Lawrence L. Bell

The New Year and the New Administration has areas of taxation estate planning and philanthropy on the front burner. No one is sure what will be happening with the minority discounts regulations in turmoil and proposed guidance of the modification of charities partnership interest and unrelated business taxable income (UBTI). By integrating a number of tried and tested tools, we may create a platform for substantial savings.


The Possible Consequences of Pursuing Outstanding Legal Fees Image

The Possible Consequences of Pursuing Outstanding Legal Fees

Sue C. Jacobs

The attorney-client relationship is not one that always ends well. The client is able to discharge the attorney at any time, but outstanding legal fees must be addressed.


Third-Party Money Launderers<br><i><font size="-1">The FBI Takes a Second Look</i></font> Image

Third-Party Money Launderers<br><i><font size="-1">The FBI Takes a Second Look</i></font>

Justin du Rivage

Each year, the U.S. government secures more than 1,200 money-laundering convictions. Now, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), at least, is setting its sights with renewed vigor on those who help criminal organizations and terrorists conceal billions in illicit funds.


The Results Don't Lie: Mattern & Associates Cost Recovery Survey 2016 Image

The Results Don't Lie: Mattern & Associates Cost Recovery Survey 2016

Rob Mattern

2017 has arrived with a bang: expenses are back on the rise and demand growth is trending negative. Last year in the March issue of this publication, we hypothesized what the results of the 2016 Mattern & Associates Cost Recovery Survey would reveal. With the results tabulated, let's see how accurate our predictions were as well as analyze the results.


Deferred Compensation and Safe Harbor Plans Image

Deferred Compensation and Safe Harbor Plans

Lawrence L. Bell

Companies are constantly looking for ways to recruit, retain and reward valued employees. The Department of the Treasury issued final regulations addressing deferred compensation and safe harbor planning utilizing §§409A(d)(1), 457(e)11 and 31.3121(v)(2). These regulations set forth how plan sponsors can provide death benefits on a permissibly selective basis.


What Law Firms Can Learn from The Ninth Annual Law Department Operations Survey Image

What Law Firms Can Learn from The Ninth Annual Law Department Operations Survey

Robin Snasdell

Over the last few years, the legal operation managers' role has flourished, growing from a profession in its infancy into an unruly teenager, far more mature but with substantial areas poised for development. Now, more than ever, law departments are focused on implementing programs and structures to improve their financial management and deliver value.


Recent Developments in the Section 956 Deemed Dividend Rules<br></font> Image

Recent Developments in the Section 956 Deemed Dividend Rules<br></font>

Marcus Dyer

<i><b>How to Avoid the Tax Pitfalls of 26 U.S.C. §956 when Negotiating Lending Transactions for Clients with Foreign Country Operations</i></b><p>A popular conduit for operating in a foreign country is a controlled foreign corporation (CFC). In 2012, U.S.-controlled foreign corporation earnings topped $793 billion as the world economy became increasingly interconnected. See, IRS, Statistics of Income. How does the aforementioned trend impact the legal profession?

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