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Law Firm Management


Professional Development: Three Business Development Lessons Image

Professional Development: Three Business Development Lessons

Janet Kyle Altman

The newest generation is dying for opportunities to develop their skills. Now it's your turn to teach.


Leadership in the Law: Five Ways to Improve Lateral Recruitment Image

Leadership in the Law: Five Ways to Improve Lateral Recruitment

Timothy B. Corcoran

Here are five ideas that law firm leaders can embrace to improve their own success rate at finding and integrating laterals into their firms.


The Business of Branding: Help! I Need an Effective Web Strategy! Image

The Business of Branding: Help! I Need an Effective Web Strategy!

Jeff Roberts

Your firm's website is the single most important component in its marketing communications efforts. Period. It's the lynchpin on which all of your other mar/com efforts rest, it's your "first impression," your opportunity to communicate with targeted clients on a regular basis via blogs, and hopefully it supports your firm's business development efforts.


'Glass Ceilings' and Women in Leadership Roles Image

'Glass Ceilings' and Women in Leadership Roles

Nicholas Gaffney & Kathleen C. Peahl

This wide-ranging discussion, originally presented at a seminar, introduced statistics suggesting that women still are not reaching the highest level of leadership in law firms and Fortune 500, as compared with their male counterparts.


$1,000 Per Hour Isn't Rare Anymore Image

$1,000 Per Hour Isn't Rare Anymore

Karen Sloan

Nearly 20% of the firms included in <I>The National Law Journal's</I> annual survey of large law firm billing rates last year had at least one partner charging more than $1,000 an hour.

Columns & Departments

On the Move Image

On the Move

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Who's doing what; who's going where


The Evolution of a Process Image

The Evolution of a Process

Rob Mattern

Here we are in 2014, the number of law firms outsourcing parts of their back-office is increasing and more and more firms are interested in the process as a way to control costs and increase the efficiencies in their back office operation. Why the change? To explain it fully requires one to look at the evolution of the process.

Webinar: Accelerate Your Career Image

Webinar: Accelerate Your Career

Allan Colman

What is the top skill for career professionals in climbing the corporate ladder? It is the ability to sell your ideas and funding requests.


Go Time for Windows XP Image

Go Time for Windows XP

Sherry Karabin

From hardware to software, change is the rule and attorneys who don't want their offices or firms to be a casualty of advancing technology need to be proactive.


The Dimensions of 'Goodwill' in a Law Practice Sale Image

The Dimensions of 'Goodwill' in a Law Practice Sale

Ed Poll

One of the thorniest issues in selling a law practice involves the issue of goodwill and how to value it. Goodwill is both an accounting term and a qualitative dimension. Understanding both helps the average lawyer better understand the sale of a law practice.

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