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Law Firm Management


Using an Online Deadline Management System To Reduce Risk Image

Using an Online Deadline Management System To Reduce Risk

Troy Rackham

Managing deadlines is a critical part of every law practice. Missed deadlines are frequently one of the most common reasons lawyers get sued or their clients file grievances.


Why Lawyers Need to Write Less Like Marshall and More Like MapQuest Image

Why Lawyers Need to Write Less Like Marshall and More Like MapQuest

Steven D. Stark

Though we tend to think that good writing never changes, writing in many parts of the legal and business worlds has probably changed more in the last decade than in any comparable period over the last five centuries. Those who fail to adapt will pay the consequences.


Who Should Be Partner in a Post-Recession Profession? Image

Who Should Be Partner in a Post-Recession Profession?

James D. Cotterman

Partnerships are viable and sustainable only if there is a consistent and sufficient earnings stream to attract talent to the firm. This is accomplished when all timekeepers are personally productive and profitable.


Professional Development: Using Social Media to Advance Your Careers and Build Business Image

Professional Development: Using Social Media to Advance Your Careers and Build Business

Rich Klein

Lawyers who are looking to advance their careers and who want to build business should not underestimate the power of using social media to raise their visibility.


Leadership in the Law: Bring All Your Values to the Table Image

Leadership in the Law: Bring All Your Values to the Table

Debra Forman

If you are not perceived the way you want to be perceived and are not reaching the goals you have set out to meet, you want to re-evaluate your values and determine if your personal brand needs to be tweaked, revamped or potentially overhauled.


Business of Branding: How to Boost Your Law Firm's Brand Image

Business of Branding: How to Boost Your Law Firm's Brand

Rod Oshins

Every law firm needs to make a strong impression to increase its name awareness, protect and build market share and instill loyalty in its client base. What is your promise to clients?


Bad News for NY Law Grads Image

Bad News for NY Law Grads

Tania Karas

Just six in 10 of the 4,967 students who graduated last year from New York state's 15 law schools were able to find full-time, permanent employment requiring bar passage by Feb. 15, according to recently released statistics from the American Bar Association.


Who Should Be Partner in a Post-Recession Profession? Image

Who Should Be Partner in a Post-Recession Profession?

James D. Cotterman

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, with fewer seats at the table, a successful candidate for equity partnership must demonstrate a full complement of personal and professional skills and experience.


Retaining Valued Associates Image

Retaining Valued Associates

Dianne Rosky

Today's global law fims need the expertise international lawyers offer, but they also need those lawyers to write and speak with a clarity approaching that of a native speaker. An overview of the issues and options for helping international lawyers communicate effectively in English.


Non-Equity Partnerships Are on the Rise Again Image

Non-Equity Partnerships Are on the Rise Again

Robert Denney

Many changes continue to occur in the traditional partner/associate structure in law firms. Permanent associates, staff or contract attorneys, temporary attorneys, of counsel (in one form or another) and non-equity partners have been added to the mix.

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