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Law Firm Management


Best Practices (And Even Better Questions) to Apply to Your Back-Office Operations Image

Best Practices (And Even Better Questions) to Apply to Your Back-Office Operations

Rob Mattern

While the economy continues to limp along and the experts continue to predict a flat legal market, it is more important than ever to ensure your back-office operations are functioning in the most cost-effective, efficient way possible.


Focused on More Productivity and Higher Profits? Image

Focused on More Productivity and Higher Profits?

Liz Lamar

Turning time into money begins with the metrics a firm has in place, whether the key performance indicators are being measured and tracked, and how technology is being leveraged to streamline the entire process. technology plays a vital role in not only monitoring and 'policing' these metrics, but financial management and billing technology in particular, can always be tweaked and customized to better firm metrics ' especially as they relate to firm utilization, realization, and A/R aging.


Successful Data Migration Image

Successful Data Migration

David Hartmann & Scott Giordano

When corporate legal and IT departments deploy new enterprise software, migrating legacy data into the new system is usually one of the larger challenges faced. When it comes to e-discovery software, this challenge is exasperated as matter information may be contained in legacy systems or in a collection of spreadsheets or other ad hoc tools.

Columns & Departments

Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

Who's doing what; who's going where.

Columns & Departments

Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

Who's doing what; who's going where.


How to Write in the 'e-Age' Image

How to Write in the 'e-Age'

Steven Stark

Writing in many parts of the legal and business worlds has probably changed more in the last decade than in any comparable period over the last five centuries. Those who fail to adapt will pay the consequences.

Columns & Departments

Sales Speak: How to Close New Business Image

Sales Speak: How to Close New Business

Larry Bodine

Attorneys are typically very good at describing their skills and recounting problems they have solved for other clients, but they struggle with asking for the business.


Asking the Right Questions Image

Asking the Right Questions

Sheryl A. Odentz

Successful business generators tend to ask questions in particular sequence. This sounds fairly simple, but it takes consistent work and strong skills to become effective at using this approach.


The Fallacy of Merger Math Image

The Fallacy of Merger Math

Timothy B. Corcoran

If we were to analyze law firm mergers by plotting client satisfaction on one axis and partner satisfaction on the other, the resulting scatter diagram would reflect a surprising few combinations that were deemed satisfactory after the fact to all parties.


Underperforming Partners Image

Underperforming Partners

Robin Hensley

In the last couple of years, law firms across the country have struggled with the question ' what to do about underperforming partners?

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