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Law Firm Management

Take One Survey' Image

Take One Survey'

Bruce W. Marcus

Professional survey and market research companies are generally pretty good. They use sophisticated modeling techniques and computerized formulae to tell us (with a margin of error of four or five points either way) who's going to win the next election and how high skirts are going to be next year. Highly scientific stuff ' but, unfortunately not always right. Which is why you have to take those surveys with a grain of salt.


Preparing for Reverse Auctions Image

Preparing for Reverse Auctions

William C. Cobb

Rather than companies sending out RFPs to a number of law firms, they are now using a "reverse auction" to request quotes from law firms they trust. Here's how it works.


The Accounting Dimensions of Law Firm Financial Impropriety Image

The Accounting Dimensions of Law Firm Financial Impropriety

Ed Poll

Law firms are at great risk for financial impropriety. Funds can come up missing in any law firm, and the cause can be intentional theft that qualifies as fraud or embezzlement, or an unintentional mistake that shows poor judgment.


Career Journal: Network to Success Image

Career Journal: Network to Success

Michael DeCosta

Job search should be as much a part of your ongoing career management as aspirations for promotion, more responsibility, and increased compensation at your current employer. In essence, you should always be looking, if not actually taking, your next job.


Marketing Tech: Going Mobile Image

Marketing Tech: Going Mobile

Greg Sutphin

Why and how to get your firm's mobile website ready as quickly as possible.


Social Media Use Image

Social Media Use

Ed Poll

The expanding use of social media is perhaps the number-one trend reshaping law firm marketing. But social media use also vividly illustrates the dilemmas posed by the law's dual nature as a business and a profession.


Fine-Tune Your Goals This February Image

Fine-Tune Your Goals This February

Debra Forman

Resist the February blahs by taking a moment to focus your well-intentioned energies and reaffirm your goals. Here's how.


On the Move Image

On the Move

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

Who's doing what; who's going where.


Allen & Allen Leverages Aderant Integrated Case and Financial Management Image

Allen & Allen Leverages Aderant Integrated Case and Financial Management

Tracy Puritz

The primary reason we chose Aderant Total Office was because of integration and that very few of the vendors the firm considered could provide both case and financial management software.



Allan Colman

MARKETING IS LIKE ALGEBRA Newer partners, senior assoicates and even third-years have been given their marching orders -- seek out new opportunities, pursue leads, get in front of prospects and close those deals. As in the Marco/Polo kids game, start popping up whenever and wherever there are prospects. A few of the basic business development tools we find simplest to implement for our clients are discussed below and in following posts. They are designed for firm leadership…

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