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Law Firm Management


Layoffs, Expenses and Return-to-Office Policies Top Worries of Law Firm Leaders In 2023 Image

Layoffs, Expenses and Return-to-Office Policies Top Worries of Law Firm Leaders In 2023

Andrew Maloney & Patrick Smith

While economic troubles and fears of a recession are top concerns for law firm leaders now, some shifts within the legal industry are also triggering alarm bells. Interviews with more than a dozen law firm leaders identified a growing list of challenges that law firm leaders are grappling with now,


A Legal CIO's Guide to Technology Procurement In 2023 Image

A Legal CIO's Guide to Technology Procurement In 2023

Ted Theodoropoulos

For a legal CIO, one of the key responsibilities is to establish that the organization has the right technology in place to support its operations and achieve its business goals. This can be challenging, as there are many factors to consider when choosing new technology for your organization. One bad decision can have a material impact on not only the bottom line, but on the ability of your firm to compete in an ever-changing legal market.


Two Techniques That Up Your Team Management Skills In 2023 Image

Two Techniques That Up Your Team Management Skills In 2023

Sharon Meit Abrahams

Good team leaders create an environment in which attorneys and staff work hard, are loyal, and add to profitability. Setting expectations and goals is an essential step in becoming an effective team leader. Make a commitment this year to up your management skills with these two key techniques.


Using Feedback To Improve Team Performance Image

Using Feedback To Improve Team Performance

Mark Beese

The problem with giving feedback is that it often comes across as criticism. Human beings tend to react defensively, resulting in a denial of the feedback or worse, entrenchment in the behavior or attitude that may be derailing them in the first place. How can we give feedback in a way that minimizes defensiveness?


Why Are Some Bills Easier to Collect Than Others? Image

Why Are Some Bills Easier to Collect Than Others?


Why do some people sail through the entire budgeting, billing and collection process, while for others collection always means trepidation?


An Innovator's Approach to Hybrid: Empathy and Iteration Image

An Innovator's Approach to Hybrid: Empathy and Iteration

Alaa Pasha

This is a time of innovation, and one way law firms can prepare for a future we can't yet see is through leveraging two key levers: the need for empathy and iteration.


Investing In Resources That Make a Law Firm Hum Image

Investing In Resources That Make a Law Firm Hum

Jennifer Johnson & Haley Revel

Firm leadership must think about their talent (and that means all their talent) differently than they do today: as a core business asset whose managed value can make or break the firm's success.


Litigation Financing 2.0: Financing the Business of Law Image

Litigation Financing 2.0: Financing the Business of Law

Joshua Libling

It is not accidental that funding the creation or growth of law firms and practice groups has tended to follow a traditional path. Rather, this circumstance is a combination of traditional legal temperament and structural barriers to innovation. Recently, there have been changes to both.


Conflict Strategies: Three Keys to an (Almost) Drama-Free 2023 for Your Law Firm Image

Conflict Strategies: Three Keys to an (Almost) Drama-Free 2023 for Your Law Firm

Susannah Margison

Office drama can be a big problem for law firms. Whether it is showing up as office gossip, the partner who is terrible to their associates and staff, two people who just cannot seem to get along, or a revolving door of lawyers or staff, drama can be distracting, hamper productivity, and reduce billable hours.


How Attorneys Can Have Their (Hybrid) Cake and Eat It, Too Image

How Attorneys Can Have Their (Hybrid) Cake and Eat It, Too

AshLea Allberry

No one would have predicted hybrid operations — but hybrid is here to stay. Firms have a lot to gain in terms of creating a new culture that attorneys love but that new culture will be built on flexibility and dynamism only technology can manage.

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