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Law Firm Management


Remote Work Yields Savings, But Watch for Tax and Jurisdiction Issues Image

Remote Work Yields Savings, But Watch for Tax and Jurisdiction Issues

Troy Ayala

While the rapid ascent of home offices may have initially come as a shock to more than a few corporate cultures, the truth is that business leaders who embrace long-term remote working can yield significant cost savings and boost employee morale.


Tax Implications of Budget Reconciliation Bill Image

Tax Implications of Budget Reconciliation Bill

Lawrence L. Bell

In this two-part article, we look at the proposed tax law changes in the budget reconciliation bill — the major legislation in 2021.


Bringing 5-Star Hospitality to Law Firms Image

Bringing 5-Star Hospitality to Law Firms

Anthony Davies 

The law firm office cannot remain unchanged, therefore, as if frozen in time set to some date prior to the onset of pandemic, when all the terms and meaning have all changed. In fact, the office must now provide benefits or an experience the lawyers and staff cannot get at home.


Highlight Client Service Skills In the New Year Image

Highlight Client Service Skills In the New Year

Sharon Meit Abrahams

Attorneys need their clients to see them as a trusted advisor and partner in their legal solutions. If the lawyer takes time at the beginning of the relationship to establish expectations, then future conflicts can be avoided or resolved more quickly.


Legal Ops Tech: Tips for Success with Cloud-based Practice Management In 2022 Image

Legal Ops Tech: Tips for Success with Cloud-based Practice Management In 2022

Tomas Suros

While functionality and features are important, there are a number of additional considerations when evaluating a practice management solution. Will your platform provider serve as a partner that will offer expert guidance and be invested in your ongoing success?


Equity, Inclusion, and Individual Engagement Principle (EIIEP) Image

Equity, Inclusion, and Individual Engagement Principle (EIIEP)

Frank L. Douglas

Employee engagement is becoming vital to successful businesses, however, that hasn't translated to significantly wider adoption of meaningful diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practices in workspaces.


Leading Through Disruption Image

Leading Through Disruption

Julia Mercier

The pandemic has brought into focus the need for law firms and law firm leaders to be strategic about fostering the connections, engagement, learning, and innovation that will allow them to both attract and retain top talent.


Opportunity and Outsourcing In a Post-COVID World Image

Opportunity and Outsourcing In a Post-COVID World

Rob Mattern

2020 was a lesson in forced change management. Today, law firms are at a crossroads triggered by the transformational impact of the pandemic, and wondering…


How Law Firms Can Gain a Competitive Advantage With Financial Intelligence Image

How Law Firms Can Gain a Competitive Advantage With Financial Intelligence

Ari Kaplan

The results of a new report — Implementing Financial Intelligence to Give Law Firms a Competitive Advantage in 2022 and Beyond — revealed a striking shift in the role of law firm finance leaders, both in their value and impact. Many are using data to drive change in their organizations, amplifying the power of profitability, and leveraging their skill to fuel innovation. Ultimately, they are helping their firms gain a competitive advantage.


Build Back Better: Considerations for Tax Advisers & Planners Image

Build Back Better: Considerations for Tax Advisers & Planners

Lawrence L. Bell

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed by the President on Nov. 15, 2021, presents a number of issues for advisers, planners and taxpayers to consider.

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