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Law Firm Management


The Possible Consequences of Pursuing Outstanding Legal Fees Image

The Possible Consequences of Pursuing Outstanding Legal Fees

Sue C. Jacobs

The attorney-client relationship is not one that always ends well. The client is able to discharge the attorney at any time, but outstanding legal fees must be addressed. If the client either ignores the correspondence or refuses to pay the fees, the attorney may determine to commence an action seeking the legal fees. What follows is a long, unhappy, expensive experience for each party.


How to Make 2017 a Game Changer Image

How to Make 2017 a Game Changer

Kimberly Rice

How will you help make 2017 a different kind of year for your lawyer clients? More prosperous?


10 Things That Should Be on Every CMO's Radar in 2017 Image

10 Things That Should Be on Every CMO's Radar in 2017

Mark Beese

The legal profession, marketing technology and clients' buying and retention habits are changing dramatically. Law firm marketing leaders need to think differently about lead generation, big data, project delivery and leadership.


Make 2017 the Year To Get Smart Image

Make 2017 the Year To Get Smart

Marcie Borgal Shunk

Taking Your Firm's CI to the Next Level


The One Shift That Will Improve Lawyers' BD Results and Make Life Easier Image

The One Shift That Will Improve Lawyers' BD Results and Make Life Easier

Mike O'Horo

Business development needn't be complicated, difficult or distressing. However, for many lawyers, it's all of that. Much of the uncertainty and anxiety can be eliminated by a single shift in perspective.


Virtual Snooping Image

Virtual Snooping

Karen Ellis

The modern-day snoop is all too often someone you know. If this consideration doesn't leave you paranoid and looking over your shoulder, it should.

Law Departments and Clients Face Budgetary Concerns in 2017 Image

Law Departments and Clients Face Budgetary Concerns in 2017

Steve Kovalan

Law departments are not being asked to do more with less? Instead, they are being asked to do more with more (though sometimes their budget increases are not keeping up with their new responsibilities).


Most Firms Feel Assured in Cybersecurity Abilities, But Is That False Confidence? Image

Most Firms Feel Assured in Cybersecurity Abilities, But Is That False Confidence?

Ricci Dipshan

Law firms are increasingly confident in their cybersecurity capabilities, despite many falling short of adequate breach response preparation.


Mastering the Art of Self-Promotion Image

Mastering the Art of Self-Promotion

Carol Morganstern

Hard work alone will not propel your career forward to its highest possible level; you are going to need to be savvy at the art of self-promotion. This includes going outside of your firm to get new clients and letting those inside your firm know about your accomplishments to propel you up the corporate ladder.


The Power of Monitoring for Recovering Lost Revenue Image

The Power of Monitoring for Recovering Lost Revenue

Tom Baldwin

Realization has hit an all-time low of 83%, plunging from 93% just a decade ago. Most firms are building pricing groups as the place to start addressing this pain. This is certainly a good starting point, but if your firm is pricing and not monitoring, you've actually got a problem.

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