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Law Firm Management


Compensation Remains One of the Most Important Decisions for a Law Firm Image

Compensation Remains One of the Most Important Decisions for a Law Firm

Randy Evans & Shari Klevens

With associate compensation dominating the headlines over the past several months, partner compensation has managed to slip under the radar. This isn't particularly surprising, however, given how uncomfortable discussions regarding partner pay can be for lawyers and their firms.Despite the tendency to delay or even avoid such conversations, partnership compensation remains one of the most scrutinized decisions in a law practice.


Overtime Pay Morass: FLSA Overhaul to Take Effect on Dec. 1 Image

Overtime Pay Morass: FLSA Overhaul to Take Effect on Dec. 1

Chaim Levin

The new DOL regulations that will take effect on Dec. 1, 2016 do not precisely resolve the present overtime eligibility debate; the absence of clarity remains a material issue especially with respect to highly compensated individuals or large groups of employees who are not easily classified.


Partner and Millennial Associates' Performance Expectations Image

Partner and Millennial Associates' Performance Expectations

Linda L. Hardenstein, MPA, PCC

As more and more millennials enter the workforce, generational clashes will continue. What can be done to bridge the gap and why should you care?


Litigation Funders Planning a New Role: Law Firm Ownership Image

Litigation Funders Planning a New Role: Law Firm Ownership

Ray Strom

Since litigation finance hit the scene just a couple decades ago, the business has evolved from investing in single lawsuits to groups of claims to purchasing judgments at bankruptcy auctions. Now, some litigation finance firms are preparing for an even bigger change to their business model: Injecting cash directly into law firms in the form of an equity stake that isn't tied to any specific case.


AI and the Law Image

AI and the Law

Pamela Woldow

<b><i>The Paradigm Shift Hits the Fan</b></i><p><p>AI — artificial intelligence — and its relatives: digital research engines, “bots” and other automatons, have made their beachhead in the legal profession, and it really looks like this is gonna change everything.


Lower Pay for Women Partners in Law Firms Image

Lower Pay for Women Partners in Law Firms

Lizzy McLellan & Katelyn Polantz

In the face of a glaring pay gap between male and female law firm partners, some firm leaders point to the emphasis on origination credit (bringing in new business) as the key culprit. But moving away from such a model may not be so easy.


Workplace Violence Image

Workplace Violence

Daniel J. McGravey & Amy C. Lachowicz

<b><i>Minimizing Risk and Protecting Employees</b></i><p>According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately 2 million employees are victims of workplace violence each year. Violence in the workplace must be a top concern for employers, as no organization is immune from workplace violence and no organization can completely prevent it.


Lower Pay for Women Partners Image

Lower Pay for Women Partners

Lizzy McLellan & Katelyn Polantz

In the face of a glaring pay gap between male and female law firm partners, some firm leaders point to the emphasis on origination credit (bringing in new business) as the key culprit. But moving away from such a model may not be so easy.


Partner and Millennial Associates' Performance Expectations Image

Partner and Millennial Associates' Performance Expectations

Linda L. Hardenstein, MPA, PCC

“They don't want to work!” It's an all-too-familiar refrain uttered about associates of the millennial generation. As more and more millennials enter the workforce these generational clashes will continue. What can be done to bridge the gap and why should you care?


As Rates Soar, Some Firms Profit by Coming Down to Earth Image

As Rates Soar, Some Firms Profit by Coming Down to Earth

Nell Gluckman

With overall law firm billing rates rising fast, firms that increased their rates more slowly are reaping rewards in the form of greater revenue growth, according to a new study.

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