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Law Firm Management


Economic Factors Driving Increase In Nonlawyer Payment Inquiries Image

Economic Factors Driving Increase In Nonlawyer Payment Inquiries

Zack Needles

As evidenced by a recent Pennsylvania Superior Court ruling invalidating an alleged fee-splitting arrangement between a law firm and an outside consultant, questions about the proper way for attorneys to pay nonlawyers who help generate business still arise frequently.


The Wealth Manager's Playbook Image

The Wealth Manager's Playbook

Tyler Horning

The pace and scope of change wealth managers are experiencing is unprecedented and is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, change is accelerating rapidly.


<b><i>Leadership:</i></b> Giving Feedback Image

<b><i>Leadership:</i></b> Giving Feedback

Mark Beese

Teams that improve their ability and frequency of giving both positive and constructive feedback can rapidly improve their performance, trust level and learning speed because they are focusing their energy on improving together rather than being defensive, blaming others and protecting their turf.


Six Keys to a Successful Law Firm Merger Image

Six Keys to a Successful Law Firm Merger

J. Mark Santiago

Over the past two years, the author has been involved in three merger situations and iscurrently working on two more. He has worked closely with the managing partners and committees of these firms and has come away with the six factors that he believes determine the success or failure of law firm merger discussions.


Professional Development: As New Associates Join This Fall Image

Professional Development: As New Associates Join This Fall

Sharon Meit Abrahams

A firm's new associate orientation sets the tone and creates a foundation from which all future activities will be measured. If an orientation program is unorganized, inconsistent or lacking in usefulness, the experience might tarnish the new attorney's impression of his or her employer.


Why Are You Still Using Wordpress? Image

Why Are You Still Using Wordpress?

Larry Bodine

Clients go online when they look for a lawyer, and if you are showing consumers a run-of-the-mill website, you will get predictably bad results.


Firms Increasingly Making Partners Pay to Leave Image

Firms Increasingly Making Partners Pay to Leave

Gina Passarella, Christine Simmons & Roy Strom

As law firms look to protect themselves from cash walking out the door in a low-demand market, they are increasingly looking at methods to discourage lateral departures and, perhaps more importantly, are enforcing those methods more frequently.


The Maturation of Competitive Intelligence in Law Firms Image

The Maturation of Competitive Intelligence in Law Firms

Rod Osborne

Advances in technology have given clients more information about the cost of legal services and where else that client might go looking for them, leading to increased demand for discounts and other alternative fee arrangements at a time when in-house legal departments are under rising pressure to cut costs. Here's how to use competitive intelligence.


Admitting New Partners and Classes of Partners As the Demand for Legal Services Continues to Lag Image

Admitting New Partners and Classes of Partners As the Demand for Legal Services Continues to Lag

Joel A. Rose

A new survey of law firm leaders reveals that partners at a majority of the firms don't have enough work, and that demand for legal services is lagging behind pre-recession levels. Yet, despite this gloomy assessment, law firm leaders report that their partners are resistant to change.


Media & Communications: Learning from Politicians Image

Media & Communications: Learning from Politicians

Michelle Samuels

For those of us in the communications industry, it has been mind-blowing to see how far Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have gotten with all of the baggage they've brought along, outrageous statements they've made, and un-presidential things they've done. What can law firms learn from this?

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