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Law Firm Management


<i>Voice of the Client</i>: Practice What You Preach: 2.0 Image

<i>Voice of the Client</i>: Practice What You Preach: 2.0

Beth Cuzzone

Your OWN network is just as important to develop and maintain as it is for any professional. Because we spend so much of our time helping others to focus on cultivating their networks, we often neglect to tend to our own.


Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession: It's Time to Make It Stop Image

Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession: It's Time to Make It Stop

Wendi S. Lazar

In 1992, the American Bar Association called upon members of the legal profession to provide leadership and education in eradicating sexual harassment. According to the 1992 ABA report, "[l]awyers play a special role in educating society about sexual harassment and eliminating it from the workplace.


<i>Sales Speak</i>: Overcoming the Great Myth of Public Speaking Image

<i>Sales Speak</i>: Overcoming the Great Myth of Public Speaking

Ari Kaplan

While recently preparing for a middle school presentation, my son was struggling with accidental omissions in his delivery. In striving for perfection, his fear of someone in the audience recognizing his error grew. Like many who engage in public speaking, he had convinced himself that the only way to be successful is to be flawless. That is the great myth of public speaking, and one can that easily be overcome by remembering that most people have no idea what you are going to say, so they will never recognize your mistake.


Leading the Law Department: Hire the Best Image

Leading the Law Department: Hire the Best

Ben W. Heineman, Jr.

For the inside counsel revolution to succeed, the General Counsel must follow a basic dictum: Hire the best. The key to the legal function's credibility with the CEO and senior line executives is to seek broad-gauged lawyers who are outstanding technical experts, wise counselors and effective leaders to occupy the top specialists jobs in the company and to be general counsel in the main operating divisions.


The Cloud and e-Discovery Image

The Cloud and e-Discovery

David Greetham

Leveraging advanced technologies can empower corporate counsel and law firms alike to take control of the ongoing challenge that today's "information on demand" expectations present. When access, disaster recovery, scalability and security are paramount requirements, a migration to the cloud could be the most effective route to help ensure this is accomplished.


Social Media Scene: Teach Your Lawyers Well Image

Social Media Scene: Teach Your Lawyers Well

Molly Peckman

Last month, in Part One of this article, we discussed the fact that one size does not fit all when it comes to social media training for lawyers. We continue herein with a look at the inevitable changes in ways that lawyers do business.


When a Law Firm Partner Divorces Image

When a Law Firm Partner Divorces

Robert D. Boyd & Brooke M. French

Going through a divorce can be tumultuous for everyone involved. When one of the parties is a partner in a law firm, those challenges are sometimes elevated for both the partner and the law firm.


Attracting Top Millennial Talent Image

Attracting Top Millennial Talent

Rebecca Glatzer

Millennials' influence on the legal marketplace is rapidly growing. To attract this group's best and brightest, law firms need to understand their mindset and habits.


Marketing Tech: Voice Search Image

Marketing Tech: Voice Search

Larry Bodine

Voice search is rapidly emerging as the predominant way that consumers inquire about products, services and, yes, lawyers. Here's what you need to know.


Leveraging Charismatic Leadership to Facilitate Change in Big Law Image

Leveraging Charismatic Leadership to Facilitate Change in Big Law

Whit Wesenberg

Despite appearing to accept that rapid and ongoing market change is here to stay, firms, and their leaders, have responded with change efforts that can largely be described as limited and reactive short-term solutions. Why?

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