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Law Firm Management


ACA-Related Retaliation Claims Image

ACA-Related Retaliation Claims

E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. & Rachael Jeanfreau

This article briefly summarizes the ACA's employer mandate and highlights the anti-retaliation provisions applicable to complaints of ACA violations. Next, the article summarizes the "Break Time for Nursing Mothers" law added to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by the ACA, and highlights the anti-retaliation provision applicable to this law. Last, the article suggests ways for employers to reduce the risk of employee retaliation claims.


Bonuses and the Reality of Big Law Associate Compensation Image

Bonuses and the Reality of Big Law Associate Compensation

Neil Gluckman

In December, Cravath, Swaine & Moore circulated an internal memo setting associate bonuses according to the same scale set in 2014 by Davis Polk & Wardwell. First- and second-year associates will receive up to $15,000, while senior associates can make as much as $100,000.


Opening the Books Image

Opening the Books

Susan Beck

The criminal fraud trial of three former executives of Dewey & LeBoeuf last year cast a spotlight on an arcane, often tedious but essential part of the operations of any big law firm: accounting practices.


Five Online Business Development Tips for a Prosperous 2016 Image

Five Online Business Development Tips for a Prosperous 2016

Larry Bodine

Over the last five years, there's been a sea change caused by cell phones and tablets that affect how clients find lawyers. Today, most clients go online to find a lawyer. In fact, more clients searching for an attorney found one from Internet content than they did from referrals.


The Evolution of Law Firm Marketing and Business Development Image

The Evolution of Law Firm Marketing and Business Development

Amanda K. Brady

Change is constant and hard ' and usually lumpy. Understanding some of the differences between a traditional marketing function and business development is key to evaluating current practices and future expectations for this department.


Revisiting Allocation of Basis Issues Image

Revisiting Allocation of Basis Issues

David E. Kahen & Elliot Pisem

The courts have taken varying approaches to determining the basis of stock that is received by an insurance policyholder in exchange for the policyholder's surrender of membership rights in a mutual insurance company, in a "demutualization" transaction. While this may seem to be a narrow and abstruse question, the approaches taken by the courts may have application in other areas of the tax law affecting analogous transactions.


Law Firm Accounting: Opening the Books Image

Law Firm Accounting: Opening the Books

Susan Beck

The criminal fraud trial of three former executives of Dewey & LeBoeuf last year cast a spotlight on an arcane, often tedious but essential part of the operations of any big law firm: accounting practices.

Columns & Departments

<b><i>At the Intersection: </i></b>Wishin' and Hopin' and Sittin' on Your Hands Image

<b><i>At the Intersection: </i></b>Wishin' and Hopin' and Sittin' on Your Hands

Pamela Woldow & Doug Richardson

What if you invented a better mousetrap, but the world didn't beat a path to your door? What if you developed a promising new medicine for a troubling condition, but when the doctor prescribed it, the patient refused to take it, simply sticking it in the desk drawer while continuing to complain about the malady?


<b><i>Media & Communications: </i></b> Why You Should Be Newsjacking Image

<b><i>Media & Communications: </i></b> Why You Should Be Newsjacking

Nicholas Gaffney & Elizabeth Weber

Newsjacking is a method of leveraging hot news items to generate brand recognition and client visibility. Successful newsjackers track breaking news and emerging trends, and use clever thinking to either make connections that put their clients front and center, or to simply insert their clients into a high-profile conversation that otherwise would never have included them.


Higher Profitability in 2016 Image

Higher Profitability in 2016

Stephan Hovnanian

Depending on who you ask, your prospective clients are between 50%-90% through their buying process before even contacting you. Consider that for a minute, especially focusing on how powerful recommendations are in the legal profession.

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