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Law Firm Management


<b><i>Business of Branding:</i></b> Creating a Client-Centric Brand' Image

<b><i>Business of Branding:</i></b> Creating a Client-Centric Brand'

Cindy Sharp

Professional legal marketers are by and large responsible for the creative and labor-intensive effort involved in developing a strong law firm brand. After all, a brand does not develop by chance, but rather is strategically planned, crafted and 'communicated.


Dewey Witness Says She Never Intended To Defraud Image

Dewey Witness Says She Never Intended To Defraud

Nell Gluckman

A cooperating witness in the Dewey &amp; LeBoeuf criminal trial, Dianne Cascino, testified last month that she didn't believe she was breaking the law when she made accounting adjustments as the firm's director of revenue support.


Tackle Billing Now to Avoid a Year-End Surprise Image

Tackle Billing Now to Avoid a Year-End Surprise

Randy Evans & Shari Klevens

Attorneys rarely think about billings and collections in the summer or early fall. Instead, those are topics often left to the year-end collections push. By waiting, however, attorneys lose money, assume risks and otherwise miss important red flags for potential problems that can be avoided or resolved.


Buyout Funding and Death Benefits Image

Buyout Funding and Death Benefits

Lawrence L. Bell

Professional service organizations traditionally have elected a pass thru entity status (S Corp., LLC, LLP, partnership) in order to reduce double taxation at the principal's level. Similar additional taxation may occur with C Corps. and accumulated earnings tax as well as other confiscatory grabs. These issues create an impediment for the current accumulation of funds to satisfy a principal's buyout in future years.


The Evolution Between Outside and Inside Counsel Image

The Evolution Between Outside and Inside Counsel

Beth Marie Cuzzone

In this article, we bring the views and opinions from the client's perspective into focus on issues involving pricing, service, marketing, strategy, differentiation and more.


'Why Her and Not Me?' Best Practices for Initiating and Maintaining Relationships with Reporters Image

'Why Her and Not Me?' Best Practices for Initiating and Maintaining Relationships with Reporters

Janet Falk

Reporters are under tremendous pressure to publish their stories quickly and attract readers. That makes it even more imperative for communications professionals to make it easy for journalists to remember which of your firm's attorneys are available for comment on key issues, have something to share that is both insightful and has bottom-line impact, and are readily accessible for comments.


<b><i>Professional Development:</i></b> The Key to Successful Summer Programs Image

<b><i>Professional Development:</i></b> The Key to Successful Summer Programs

Sharon Meit Abrahams

Summer has just passed, and we are all heavily involved in the final months of the year. Nevertheless, now is the time to prepare for next summer, and here is why.

Columns & Departments

<b><i>At the Intersection</i></b>: 'Manterruption' Continued Image

<b><i>At the Intersection</i></b>: 'Manterruption' Continued

Doug Richardson

Last month, we discussed the widespread tendency of men to interrupt women in settings where the power stakes were high ("manterruption") and their tendency to appropriate women's comments and ideas as their own ("bropropriation"). We conclude with some additional thoughts.


Data Sharing in the Cloud Image

Data Sharing in the Cloud

Gregory Mottla & L. Elise Dieterich

Storing and sharing data "in the cloud" has become, in many instances, a business necessity. The practical and economic advantages of cloud computing are clear ' it eliminates the need to send client data via traditional, costly methods, and is significantly less expensive than building and maintaining the same data storage capacity in-house.


Information Is Changing Law Firm Models Image

Information Is Changing Law Firm Models

Hank Grezlak & Gina Passarella

The standard law firm model that has been in effect for the better part of the last 20 years is becoming less viable, and the way law firms are run is undergoing a subtle, yet significant change, driven largely by information.

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