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Law Firm Management


Questions Every Leader Should Ask Image

Questions Every Leader Should Ask

Merrick Rosenberg

Leaders in today's law firms are so caught up in managing their caseloads, achieving billable hour goals and putting out fires, they rarely stop to consider how well they are leading.


Content Marketing Image

Content Marketing

Edie Reinhardt

Last month, noted that 80% of law firm CMOs believe content marketing is an important marketing and business development strategy, and 84% expect to increase the amount of content they are producing over the prior year. With that in mind, we discussed the first four and a half of seven best practices. We conclude this discussion herein with a continuation of Point 5, Repurposing Content.


Anchoring the Firm Culture in Solid Rock Image

Anchoring the Firm Culture in Solid Rock

William C. Cobb

Why do formerly great law firms fail and go under? The author feels that they lost the anchor to their core values, and then started drifting into issues and concerns that eventually destroyed them from within. This article explains what can be done to keep the anchor holding.


Brokerage Windows in Retirement Plans Image

Brokerage Windows in Retirement Plans

Andrew L. Oringer, Andrew H. Braid & Aaron S. Cha

On Aug. 21, 2014, the DOL published a request for information (RFI) regarding the use of so-called "brokerage windows" under retirement plans. The RFI is one of the more recent developments surrounding what has become an increasingly controversial topic regarding the investment of Section 401(k) and other participant-direct retirement plans.


The LPM Maturity Model Image

The LPM Maturity Model

Keith Lipman

Unless you are deaf to the present realities in today's legal marketplace, you now hear the steady drumbeat of client-focused legal service delivery: a persistent rhythm driving you toward Legal Project Management (LPM). Clients are insisting that firms price and deliver services that fit their tolerance for risk, produce excellent results and keep the work within budget ' all in the most efficient manner.


Connecting the Legal and Tax Departments Image

Connecting the Legal and Tax Departments

Kevin Oldham & Drew McEwen

Now that the personal tax return deadline has passed, it might be a good time to consider your company's tax needs. Counsel at a Fortune 500 company recently told a colleague of ours that all of their tax matters are handled entirely outside of the legal department. This arrangement is not good. Corporate counsel and accountants must work together to bring the full measure of the company's resources to bear on tax-related issues.


Third Circuit Revives Challenge to Firm's Debt Collection Practices Image

Third Circuit Revives Challenge to Firm's Debt Collection Practices

Saranac Hale Spencer

A lawsuit over a law firm's foreclosure practices on behalf of Bank of America has been revived by the Third Circuit. But while the appeals court revived the plaintiff's federal claims, it upheld the dismissal of the state law claims after it predicted how the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would rule on the issue.


<i>Social Media Scene:</i> Identifying the Utility of Social Networks Image

<i>Social Media Scene:</i> Identifying the Utility of Social Networks

Stephan Hovnanian

You've heard it a thousand times: You need to market yourself and your firm on social media. And it's true, you do, but maybe not for the reasons you think, and maybe not on the networks that self-proclaimed "experts" tell you to be active on.


<i>Marketing Tech:</i> Law Firms Are on a Collective Mission to Evolve, Adapt and Succeed Image

<i>Marketing Tech:</i> Law Firms Are on a Collective Mission to Evolve, Adapt and Succeed

Ari Kaplan

About a year ago, the author launched a cloud-based technology platform that provides weekly networking programs and accountability software to help lawyers execute their business development activities. Here's how it works.

Columns & Departments

<b><i>At the Intersection</i></b>: The Human Barrier to LPM Technology Image

<b><i>At the Intersection</i></b>: The Human Barrier to LPM Technology

Pamela Woldow

The author recently returned from the World Master of Law Firm Management Conference in Sydney, Australia, where she compared notes with folks deeply invested in the future of legal technology. They agreed that when it comes to Legal Project Management (LPM), the platforms, tools, templates and technology are evolving at the speed of ' frustration.

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