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Law Firm Management


Pricing It Right: Restructuring Billing Image

Pricing It Right: Restructuring Billing

Tam Harbert

As pressure on pricing continues, Big Law firms are buying (or building) analytics technology and hiring pricing specialists ' people who use market data, internal firm data and economics/pricing experience to ensure that firms are smart about bidding on work.

Columns & Departments

<i>At the Intersection</i>: What Do GCs Want From Outside Firms? Image

<i>At the Intersection</i>: What Do GCs Want From Outside Firms?

Pamela Woldow

What do legal departments want from their law firms? The General Counsel of 35 global corporations. give their candid and outspoken responses.


Getting to Zero Image

Getting to Zero

Rob Mattern

The question of how to manage paper records ' both onsite and off ' is probably the greatest hurdle faced by many of law firms. For most areas of back-office operations not running optimally, firms can outsource or hire a new manager and typically solve the problem. This is not the case for paper records.


<b><i>Professional Development:</i></b> I Created a LinkedIn Profile: Now What? Image

<b><i>Professional Development:</i></b> I Created a LinkedIn Profile: Now What?

Tracie Bedell & Mayumi Wille

LinkedIn has gained popularity as <I>the</I> social media tool for professional networking, and there are good reasons:. Here is what you need to know.


<b><i>Marketing Tech:</i></b> The Compelling Case for Mobile Marketing Image

<b><i>Marketing Tech:</i></b> The Compelling Case for Mobile Marketing

Larry Bodine

Less than half of AmLaw 200 firms have mobile websites, but that may change soon. In January, Google started sending messages to web operators to "fix mobile usability issues."


<b><i>Sales Speak:</i></b>Lawyers Are in the Relationship-Building Business, But Are They Connecting? Image

<b><i>Sales Speak:</i></b>Lawyers Are in the Relationship-Building Business, But Are They Connecting?

Kimberly Alford Rice

Some things appear to be so simple that we assume (dangerously) that everyone "gets it." But a significant number of lawyers either have no system ' formal or otherwise ' for getting and staying in touch with key people, or do a dismal job of staying connected.


Lawyer, Code Thyself Image

Lawyer, Code Thyself

Dan Lear

Chances are you don't need to be convinced of the merits of learning to program or, in the parlance of today's startup culture, learning "to code." You already understand not only the professional opportunities it opens but also how it empowers you to solve your own problems. As software disrupts industry after industry, the winners will be either those writing the code or those who understand enough about coding to organize others to do it.


How to Change Law Firms at 60 Image

How to Change Law Firms at 60

Louie H. Castoria

Last year the readerI turned 60, and left the fine law firm that had been his home for 33 years, joining another fine firm in July. Here's how he did it.


Addressing Value Challenges With Collaborative Workspaces Image

Addressing Value Challenges With Collaborative Workspaces

Karin S. Jenson & Clare Foley

Today's law firms face unprecedented challenges in a highly competitive and rapidly evolving marketplace. Corporate clients, under intense pressure to cut costs and increase efficiency within their own organizations, are no longer willing to simply pay an hourly rate for services rendered in good faith. They are unapologetic in demanding increased accountability and demonstrable value from the legal teams who represent them.


Building a Star-Studded, Long-Tenured Marketing Team Image

Building a Star-Studded, Long-Tenured Marketing Team

Jennifer Johnson Scalzi

As we all know, setting and achieving goals in a professional services environment can be challenging due to the differences in marketing certain practice groups and in how one practice group may perceive success compared with another. Here's how to make it work.

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