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Law Firm Management


Cost Savings As a Risk Management Strategy Image

Cost Savings As a Risk Management Strategy

Nina Cunningham

Since the active use of the term <i>risk management</i>, perhaps sometime in the 1980s, I have thought of the confluence of <i>risk</i> and <i>management</i> as an oxymoron.


Using IRA Funds to Purchase Life Insurance Image

Using IRA Funds to Purchase Life Insurance

Lawrence L. Bell

Many individuals desire to acquire insurance on their lives using funds held in a qualified retirement plan. The acquisition of insurance using funds within an IRA is beneficial since the Plan uses tax deductible dollars to acquire the insurance. Furthermore, the Plan Funds are not otherwise being directly used by qualified plan participant (Participant) for the Participant.

Columns & Departments

At the Intersection: Plugging Profitability Leaks Image

At the Intersection: Plugging Profitability Leaks

Pamela Woldow

We've long known that vague, incomplete or misunderstood instructions from partners to associates is a prime source of profitability leaks ' revenue lost because of all the time spent on reinventing the wheel. We've also long known that an amazingly simple delegation improvement technique can help reduce write-downs of time by up to 18%.


Sales Speak: Dancing with the Stars -- Client Retention Image

Sales Speak: Dancing with the Stars -- Client Retention

Allan Colman

When you're working with clients, it is important to keep them happy and to remember to continue selling throughout the engagement. Here's why.


Law 2023: A Look Ahead Image

Law 2023: A Look Ahead

Timothy B. Corcoran

The future of the legal industry isn't what it used to be. Or so says a recent report issued by, a group of industry insiders ' including the author' who spent a year studying the trajectory of the legal marketplace.


Valuation of a Law Firm and a Law Practice Image

Valuation of a Law Firm and a Law Practice

James D. Cotterman

Lawyers leaving a law practice have an economic interest in monetizing their career-long investment in building a client portfolio and a referral network. How each lawyer has accomplished this depends on his or her particular practice, market and style. But while the means may vary, the results are the same ' access to clients who have legal needs. And this is the value the acquirers wish to capture.

Columns & Departments

Case Notes Image

Case Notes

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

Discussion of a case in which a Texas law firm filed a defamation lawsuit over an ex-client's negative Yelp review.


Communicating in the Moment: Managing Expectations Is The Key to Great Client Service! Image

Communicating in the Moment: Managing Expectations Is The Key to Great Client Service!

Adam Severson

The stature and credibility of any marketing and business development team in the country is based on the experiences that internal clients have with the team. The challenge occurs when a ball gets dropped; no matter how significant or insignificant, "marketing" dropped the ball.


Media & Communications: Corporate Journalism, The Future of Law Firm Marketing Image

Media & Communications: Corporate Journalism, The Future of Law Firm Marketing

John Ford

Corporate journalism ' also known as brand journalism ' is journalistic content produced by a law firm (or any other entity) about that firm, its work, or the issues that it deals with on a regular basis. Here's how it works.


The DNA of an In-House Corporate e-Discovery Project Manager Image

The DNA of an In-House Corporate e-Discovery Project Manager

Jared Coseglia

What is the DNA of an in-house e-discovery project manager ' and how can you become one, whether you are a lawyer or a technician? Let's define an in-house e-discovery project manager, examine in-house corporate hiring trends and endeavor to understand what the corporate appetite is for grooming talent or, conversely, for hiring experienced e-discovery professionals.

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