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Twitter Chat Recap Image

Twitter Chat Recap


Several members of Commercial Leasing Law & Strategy's Board of Editors and contributors to and our ALM sibling took part in a Twitter chat on "Do We Need Offices Anymore?"


4 Challenges for Law Firm Management In 2020 Image

4 Challenges for Law Firm Management In 2020

Jessica L. Mazzeo

Challenges facing us in 2019, while seemingly very distant, deserve attention in addition to the new obstacles our firms face during what may be a temporary flattening of the COVID-19 curve. Here are four areas that law firms must continue to address to remain on the right side of 2020.


New Strategies for Renegotiating Office Leases Post-COVID Image

New Strategies for Renegotiating Office Leases Post-COVID

David Leffler & David Jacoby

Current circumstances present an opportunity for tenants to use new strategies to renegotiate or even terminate leases. This article looks at conventional legal strategies that may provide grounds for lease termination before turning to consider another, third, approach.


Law Firm Leasing Drops During COVID-19 Image

Law Firm Leasing Drops During COVID-19

Christine Simmons

Overall, the pandemic will likely result in long-term changes for law firm offices. While law firm leasing activity will eventually pick up, firms may decrease their overall footprints, taking up 10% to 15% less square footage because some people will continue working from home.

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