Birth Injury Claims Most Successful
Jury Verdict Research' has just released its report, Current Trends in Personal Injury — 2002 Edition. The research company maintains a nationwide database of verdicts and settlements in personal injury claims. Its recently released report identifies and summarizes current award trends and breaks down the awards by type of case and injury.
Analysis of Web sites of importance to you and your practice.
Recent rulings of importance to you and your practice.
Evaluating LASIK Malpractice Cases
The vision-improving eye surgery known as LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is marketed as a painless 15-minute outpatient procedure that produces stunning visual improvement in the vast majority of patients. LASIK surgery is estimated to garner revenues in the billions in the United States alone, with 1 million or more people undergoing the surgery each year. To help you to evaluate potential LASIK malpractice cases, this article discusses the eye's basic anatomy and function, the practice of LASIK, including patient selection factors and common complications, and provides resources for further information.
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