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Real Property Law

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Analysis of recent rulings.


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Eminent Domain

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

A recent important case.


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ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Everything contained in this issue, in an easy-to-read format.


New FMLA Regulations: What Every Employer Should Know Image

New FMLA Regulations: What Every Employer Should Know

Mark Blondman & Brooke Iley

In November 2008, the U.S. Department of Labor published revised regulations to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA or the Act) for the first time in the Act's 15-year history. The much anticipated regulations are over 750 pages long and take effect on Jan. 16, leaving scant time for employers to implement new procedures to comply with the law. The most significant of these changes are addressed herein.


Appellate Court Says Waiver Enforceable, Notwithstanding Statute Image

Appellate Court Says Waiver Enforceable, Notwithstanding Statute

Douglas M. Mansfield & J. Todd Kennard

Many state franchise or distributor statutes contain provisions that purport to limit the enforceability of waivers or releases signed by dealers or franchisees. The restrictions on waivers are often justified on claimed "inequality of power" between the manufacturer or distributor and franchisee. One court recently struck a blow in favor of manufacturers and distributors in upholding a waiver even though part of the statute expressly referenced restrictions on certain waivers.


Franchisors Must Prepare for Pending Introduction of New Top-Level Domains Image

Franchisors Must Prepare for Pending Introduction of New Top-Level Domains

Ryan Kaatz & Brian Schnell

In only a few short months, franchisors must choose whether to register a top-level domain (TLD) that corresponds with the franchisor's trademark or company name. Similar to current TLDs .com, .net, and .org, new TLDs like .hilton, .coke, or .merrilllynch will be available. A franchisor's choice must balance potentially significant commercial, advertising, and security opportunities with substantial financial and technological investment.


Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Who's doing what; who's moving where.


Discovery Requests for Electronic Documents Image

Discovery Requests for Electronic Documents

Stacy Edelstein Hyken

In recent years, the rise in the use of electronic documents, especially e-mail, has unquestionably changed the face of discovery in all types of types of litigation. As a result, the obligations counsel has in responding to discovery requests for electronic documents have been rapidly evolving. This article discusses what you need to know.


The Revised Americans with Disabilities Act Image

The Revised Americans with Disabilities Act

Beverly W. Garofalo & Sally D. Welch

The ADAAA, which takes effect in January 2009, took aim at two United States Supreme Court decisions rendered during the last decade that were viewed as substantially limiting the scope of covered disabilities under the ADA. This article discusses what it means to you.


McNulty Revisited Image

McNulty Revisited

Peter B. Ladig & Stephen B. Brauerman

This article briefly reviews the history of the DOJ's corporate charging guidelines, discusses the policy changes from the DOJ's earlier charging guidelines, and analyzes the Filip Memo's impact on corporate investigations and prosecutions.

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