Law Firms Facing Unprecedented Cyber Risk
October 01, 2016
For years, various government authorities and security experts warned the legal industry about the proverbial cyber target painted on their chest. And while a cornucopian crop of headlines bloomed about data breaches, most concentrated on major retailers or recognizable brands. Given nebulous reporting legislations, the data breaches at law firms remained below the press horizon. But you can only dodge so many bullets until one hits the industry square in the chest.
<b><i>Online Extra:</b></i> British Billionaire's Suit Over Alleged Leak Offers First Test of Privacy Law
September 20, 2016
Gilbert Chagoury, a British billionaire and philanthropist was denied a visa last year to enter the United States because, according to the U.S. government, he was suspected of supporting terrorism. Chagoury denies the allegation, saying the U.S. Department of State relied on bad intelligence. And now he's suing federal agencies that he claims leaked information about him to a reporter. His suit is thought to be the first case brought under the Judicial Redress Act, which President Barack Obama signed in February.
Privacy and Security of Personal Information Collected by Employee Benefit Plans
September 01, 2016
High profile cyberattacks and data breaches have become routine occurrences. Cyber threats are so pervasive that many privacy and security experts advise that responsible parties ' like fiduciaries of employee benefit plans ' should prepare for <i>when</i> a data breach occurs, not <i>if</i>. Data collected by employee benefit plans includes sensitive information that makes them a particularly attractive target for cybercrime.