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We found 1,205 results for "Cybersecurity Law & Strategy"...

2016: The Year Everything Changed In Social Media Marketing
November 01, 2016
Three megatrends culminated in online business development in 2016, requiring attorneys to change their digital marketing tactics and to re-focus on what produces results.
Seizure Issues To Consider in Federal Trade Secrets Act
November 01, 2016
Both before and after the passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) in May 2016, which created a federal civil cause of action for trade secrets misappropriation, much ink was spilled over the controversial “seizure” provision.
Increase of IP Cyberthefts on the Horizon, and Many Unprepared
October 31, 2016
Though cybertheft of intellectual property is predicted to dramatically increase over the next 12 months, a significant portion of companies has yet to fully secure their IP assets, according to a survey released by Deloitte Cyber Risk Services.
A Big Law 'Ethical Hacker' on Preventing Cyberattacks
October 24, 2016
Seyfarth Shaw partner Richard Lutkus says he helps clients by thinking like a hacker.
Cyberattacks Hit Several Major Websites, Though No Major Damage Reported
October 21, 2016
Widespread internet outages hit the United States today, causing all sorts of digital trouble for some Web services, according to news reports.
U.K. Politicians Demand Knighthood Be Stripped From “Billionaire Spiv”
October 21, 2016
Continental Breakfast: your daily update on what's happening in Europe.One of the U.K.'s most successful businessmen found himself reduced…
<i>CYBER-ETHICS:</i> Technological Competence Obligations and the Interplay of the ABA Model Rules and Attorney Cybersecurity
October 20, 2016
The ABA has long published its Model Rules of Professional Conduct and modifies them from time-to-time to stay current with legal and technological developments and advances. While these Model Rules are not officially binding on attorneys, they have been adopted in large part by nearly every stateand provide a guideline for attorneys across the country regarding standards of professional responsibility and ethical conduct.
Federal Regulators Propose Tougher Cybersecurity Standards for Big Banks
October 19, 2016
U.S. banking regulators on Wednesday unveiled a proposal to enhance cybersecurity risk-management and resilience standards for the largest banks and their interconnected entities.
New Report: Cybersecurity and Law Firms - Defeating Hackers, Winning Clients
October 18, 2016
Primarily drawing on the results of ALM Intelligence's most recent Law Firm Cybersecurity Survey, this report consists of two parts: Threat and Opportunity. It examines the progress, or lack thereof, that law firms have made in coming to terms with the continually evolving cybersecurity and data privacy landscape, and it explores the development of cybersecurity as a practice area.
Billing from the Bathroom and Other Strategies for Growing RPL
October 17, 2016
It isn't necessarily the case that high RPL is good and low RPL is bad. A firm can be profitable at either end of the market. However, growing RPL can be interpreted as a sign of healthy activity, as it is important to maximizing top line growth.