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We found 2,102 results for "Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report"...

Calculating Reasonable Royalty Damages for Indirect Infringement
January 27, 2011
In two recent cases decided only three weeks apart, the Federal Circuit gave conflicting pronouncements on the issue of whether trial courts can limit damages as a matter of law to proven instances of direct infringement.
Provisions of the 2010 Tax Relief Act
January 27, 2011
The 2010 Tax Relief Act provides for the extension of many favorable tax cuts that may provide law firms, their partners, staff and clients with unique planning opportunities over the next two years.
DOL Issues Final Regulations on Mandatory Fee-Disclosures
January 27, 2011
On Oct. 14, 2010, the Department of Labor (DOL) finalized its regulations concerning the fee and investment-related disclosures that must be provided to participants in 401(k) plans and other defined contribution plans with participant-directed investments.
Changing Aspects of Law Firm Partnerships
January 27, 2011
An in-depth look at changing demographics and mandatory retirement in law firms.
Sea Launch ' A Unique Business and a Unique Reorganization
January 26, 2011
Sea Launch's international ownership and unique capital structure and business model (utilizing a series of treaties between the United States, Russia and the Ukraine) engendered a unique reorganization process, described herein.
Bit Parts
January 26, 2011
Concert Litigation Lawyers Prevail in Legal Malpractice Case<br>Forum Selection Clause in Jersey Shore Appearance Release Ruled Enforceable<br>Online Music Service Is Subject to Jurisdiction in CA
At 60 Billable Hours Per Week, You Have No Friends
December 22, 2010
Unlike the attorney classes of five years ago, the latest class of attorneys is feeling less pampered and is prepared to immediately accept firm productivity expectations. But are they happy?
Leading in a Time of Change
December 22, 2010
It is during this time of great upheaval that the need for leadership is greatest.
In Search of the New Professionalism Through Multi-Generational Lenses
December 22, 2010
Differences in generational perspectives can bring frustrations, resentments, inefficiencies and threats to professionalism ' but don't have to. Handled positively, differences can produce productive, engaging, harmonious, career-enhancing outcomes.
Succession in Leadership
December 20, 2010
Many firms that were formed in the late 1960s through the early 1990s are now facing a transition from their founding leadership to a younger generation. There are many problems and benefits that will be associated with this transition. This article discusses the issues and the approaches that a firm may take to make the transition effective and efficient with minimal disruption.


  • Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright Laws
    This article highlights how copyright law in the United Kingdom differs from U.S. copyright law, and points out differences that may be crucial to entertainment and media businesses familiar with U.S law that are interested in operating in the United Kingdom or under UK law. The article also briefly addresses contrasts in UK and U.S. trademark law.
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  • Key Provisions in Film Location Agreements
    Property owners granting production companies access to their properties seems like a no-brainer — who wouldn't want their property featured in that next big blockbuster movie or hit television series? However, when filming occurs on private property, a location agreement is a must, from the perspectives of both the production company and the property owner.
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  • Broker Lien Laws
    Today, 34 jurisdictions have some form of statute that specifies whether, how, and for what a broker may file a lien for the non-payment of a commission in connection with the sale or lease of commercial real estate. A few states simply give brokers the right to file liens under mechanics' lien statutes, but more than 30 have enacted broker-specific lien laws.
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