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We found 1,348 results for "The Intellectual Property Strategist"...

The Power, Perils and Pitfalls of Lookalikes
September 01, 2023
In April 2021, a food fight broke out between two of the UK's largest supermarkets. Marks and Spencer launched legal action against Aldi over the latter's alleged copy of its signature "Colin the Caterpillar" cake. This article takes a look at the issues surrounding lookalikes, what the English courts have said about them and what can be done by brand owners to protect against the risks they present.
A Diverse Patent Portfolio Better Protects Artificial Intelligence Inventions
September 01, 2023
Takeaways from 'IBM v. Zillow' from a Patent Drafting Perspective Part Two of a Two-Part Article In Part One of this article we discussed the IBM v. Zillow case, where IBM sued Zillow for infringing on seven IBM's patents directed to artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for estimating property value. The focus was on the difficulties in establishing patent infringement on specific AI algorithms, as well as the strategic advantages of including additional patent claims that target ancillary features of an AI system. In this segment, we analyze the claims made in the Zillow case and present some tips for drafting AI-related claims from the perspective of patent infringement.
IP News
September 01, 2023
Federal Circuit Clarifies Motivation to Combine to Achieve the Claimed Invention and Holds IPR Petitioner Must Be Given Opportunity to Reply Where Patent Owner First Proposes Claim Construction In a Response
A Diverse Patent Portfolio Better Protects Artificial Intelligence Inventions
August 01, 2023
Takeaways from 'IBM v. Zillow' from A Patent Drafting Perspective Part One of a Two-Part Article This two-part article sheds light on several important aspects of patents on AI technology. In Part One, we provide a general overview of the IBM v. Zillow lawsuit and discuss strategies to diversify patent portfolios to maximize protection on AI-related technology.
The Intersection of Generative AI and Copyright Law
August 01, 2023
Whether prompted to write a corporate slogan, create music, generate works of art and advertisements, or summarize a book — GAI can do it all. However, its increasing popularity means that users of GAI programs face substantial intellectual property risks — particularly when businesses use GAI for marketing and other public-facing purposes.
Trade Secrets Management In Taiwan
August 01, 2023
Recognizing the value of trade secrets, many countries have successively enacted and amended laws to strengthen the protection of corporate trade secrets.
Understanding the Supreme Court Cases that Didn't Destroy the Internet: 'Gonzalez v. Google' and 'Twitter v. Taamneh'
July 01, 2023
The Internet is still standing, but the Supreme Court's reasoning in the Gonzalez opinion remains perplexing. Gonzalez and Taamneh are a story about how the Supreme Court "saved" the Internet from itself, and the Court needed both cases to do so.
Should Foreign Companies Face Lanham Act Sanctions for Trademark Infringement Occurring Abroad?
July 01, 2023
The U.S. Supreme Court is considering whether the federal Lanham Act should be interpreted so broadly that domestic companies can leverage it to bar trademark infringement by — and seek significant damage awards against — foreign entities operating almost entirely overseas.
Online Extra: The Other Recent Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Against Ed Sheeran
July 01, 2023
The lion's share of attention to copyright-infringement claims against Ed Sheeran over his song of the Year "Thinking Out Loud" recently focused on the trial in New York federal court in which a jury found in Sheeran's favor in the lawsuit brought by the heirs of a co-author of the 1970s soul-song classic "Let's Get It On." But in September 2022, a related infringement suit over the same songs' matching chord progression and harmonic rhythm was allowed to go forward.
IP News
July 01, 2023
Federal Circuit Examines the Analogous Art Test Federal Circuit Affirms PTAB's Finding of Prior Invention