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Second Circuit Orders Refund of Unconstitutional Quarterly Fee Overpayment
January 01, 2023
Many practitioners have been speculating as to how courts will address the potential remedy for the unconstitutional U.S. trustee fees imposed against Chapter 11 debtors pending in U.S. trustee districts under the 2017 amendment to 28 U.S.C. Section 1930.
What's In Store for the Blockchain Industry In 2023?
January 01, 2023
The FTX bankruptcy caps a very difficult 2022 for the entire blockchain industry, spanning exchanges to decentralized finance to non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Blockchain and crypto skeptics are shouting "I told you so," while investors watch billions of investment dollars evaporate under the harsh light of the bankruptcies of Celsius, Compute North and now FTX.
What the SEC May Be Signaling Through Its Approach to NFTs and F-NFTs
January 01, 2023
Recent actions by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), together with certain statements by SEC commissioners, may indicate a shift in approach toward a rebuttable presumption that digital assets are securities, without deference to formal legal tests.
A Secondment Can Help Grow Your IP Practice
January 01, 2023
Although your company may have an in-house IP attorney, your company may still need temporary help from an outside law firm to develop your company's patent portfolio and to solve your company's need for temporary help with minimal need for training and financial investment. If you do not have the budget to hire an in-house IP attorney, the solution is to try a secondment — an attorney from an outside law firm temporarily joins your in-house legal team as a "secondee" on a part-time or full-time basis.
Is Asking E-Discovery Vendors for Indemnification for Data Breaches Provide Security of Clients' Data?
January 01, 2023
Threats of cyberattacks have not only made legal professionals more wary — especially as legal teams in firms and in-house are increasingly the target of cyber hackers — but it has also changed their relationship with vendors.
Litigation Financing 2.0: Financing the Business of Law
January 01, 2023
It is not accidental that funding the creation or growth of law firms and practice groups has tended to follow a traditional path. Rather, this circumstance is a combination of traditional legal temperament and structural barriers to innovation. Recently, there have been changes to both.
IP News
January 01, 2023
Federal Circuit: Unpatentability Ruling In First IPR Estops Patentee In Second IPR of Related Patent Federal Circuit: A Disclaimer Made In a Pending IPR Is Not Binding In That Proceeding, But Is Binding In a Subsequent One
Yes, There Were Non-COVID Commercial Lease Decisions During the Pandemic
January 01, 2023
In the past two years, in litigations between commercial landlords and commercial tenants, appellate courts continued to issue decisions on topics, unrelated to COVID questions, that should interest all real estate attorneys and their clients.
Co-ops and Condominiums
January 01, 2023
Absence of Itemized Statement Did Not Justify Cancellation of Co-Op Corporation's Liens Jury Trial Waiver Enforced Statute of Frauds Prevents Enforcement of Gift of Co-Op Shares Mitchell-Lama Occupant Successor Occupant Entitled to Injunction Tolling Exclusive Purchaser Period
Without Mandatory Retirement, Lack of Succession Plans Threaten Small and Midsize Firms
January 01, 2023
In the post-pandemic era, widely adopted flexible work arrangements have given lawyers a new view of their work. But in a profession without mandatory retirement policies, a partner's decision to keep practicing may not entail a discussion of the ultimate succession of their practice and clientele.