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We found 2,020 results for "Accounting and Financial Planning for Law Firms"...

Issues Regarding the 2010 Patient Protection Act
May 27, 2011
If not politically, at least analytically, given local governments' experience with insurance reform and the financial assumptions used in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the PPACA should be considered DOA!
Calculating Profitability
May 27, 2011
All $1 million practices are worth the same. Client acceptance and pricing of legal services often begin with this premise. Yet, we all understand that this is a simplification of reality.
What In-House Counsel Should Know About the New Lease Accounting Standards
May 22, 2011
New accounting laws are in the final stages of being enacted. What does this have to do with in-house counsel? An explanation of the new standards and why they matter.
Bankruptcy Claims Traders Alert
May 14, 2011
The Seventh Circuit recently affirmed a ruling that the purchaser of a claim based upon an executory contract that was ultimately rejected by a Chapter 11 DIP is not entitled to cure amounts as part of its allowed claim.
Online Behavioral Advertising
April 28, 2011
The first quarter of this year has been marked by a rise of awareness and legal activity surrounding the question of behavioral, or targeted, advertising ' a significant area of operation and interest for e-commerce firms.
Who Controls Your Brand ' You or Your Clients?
April 26, 2011
Is your firm allowing your clients to take control of your brand by awarding you the cases they send your way?
Contingency Fees
April 26, 2011
Much of the pressure for law firms to utilize alternative billing approaches comes from companies of all sizes that increasingly want to control their legal costs by appealing to the individuality of lawyers. That requires rewarding lawyers for having "skin in the game" ' a personal financial stake in the outcome of a matter through compensation that goes up when the results justify it.
Defining the Role and Development of a New Managing Partner
April 26, 2011
While the volume of available information about managing law offices is expanding, information is not readily available about what, specifically, should be the "hands-on approaches" that managing partners and members of management committees should embrace to coalesce their partners, associates and staff into a well-managed and informed organization, with all of the professional and administrative personnel working together to achieve both the firm's immediate and longer-term objectives.
May issue in PDF format
April 26, 2011
Movers & Shakers
April 26, 2011
Who's doing what; who's going where.