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Bit Parts
January 01, 2023
COVID-19 Insurance Coverage Affirmed for Cancellation of Tina Turner Musical MTV Floribama Shore Overcomes Trademark Infringement Claim New York Appellate Division Reinstates Lawsuit Alleging Misappropriation of Reality TV Concept Ninth Circuit Affirms Film Clip In Talent Acting Reel Was Fair Use
What's In Store for Bankruptcy In 2023?
January 01, 2023
Practitioners Weigh In If anyone was holding out hope for a tidal wave of corporate bankruptcies in 2022, it's time to abandon ship. If that was part of your 2023 budget, don't get on the ship altogether.
Impact of 'Hoskins' Cases on the FCPA and White-Collar Law
January 01, 2023
This article examines the impact of Hoskins on three issues of importance to white-collar practitioners: the scope of the FCPA; the interpretation of white-collar criminal statutes; and the authority of the district court to consider at the outset of a prosecution threshold questions of the reach of the law to foreign individuals.
Privilege Logs: Strategy, Best Practices and Practical Advice
January 01, 2023
This article provides an overview of the different types of privilege logs, lays out best practices for negotiating ESI or privilege-log protocols, and discusses other issues that can occur with privilege logs in e-discovery.
Landlord & Tenant Law
December 01, 2022
Landlord's Re-Entry Not Authorized By Lease Provision Plans to Demolish Building Supported Denial of Renewal Lease Guarantor Entitled to Raise Questions of Fact About Entitlement to Rent Abatements
RLUIPA Ripeness
December 01, 2022
In Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacochen Rabbinical Seminary of America v. Town of Putnam Valley, a federal district court in the Southern District of New York dismissed a RLUIPA claim as unripe, borrowing ripeness doctrine from the takings context and declining to apply a "futility exception" to the requirement that a landowner obtain a final decision before proceeding to federal court.
December 01, 2022
Taking Claim Ripe In Light of Town's Failure to Act
Co-ops and Condominiums
December 01, 2022
Multiple Dwelling Law §302 Does Not Apply to Co-Ops
Eminent Domain Law
December 01, 2022
Inverse Condemnation Claim Time-Barred
Real Property Law
December 01, 2022
Church's Board Approved Sale Questions of Fact About Ouster Precluded Dismissal of Accounting Claim Against Co-Tenant Forgery Allegations Failed to Raise Question of Fact No Private Right of Action to Enforce Food Cart Regulations