Think Big Picture for Firm Pitches
February 28, 2011
At a time of great debate on traditional versus social media and the best means of contacting prospective clients, it is worth examining the essentials of successfully pitching a reporter on your law firm's news.
The Five Biggest Mistakes of Law Firm Leadership
February 28, 2011
Over the years, the author has observed many common mistakes that law firm management makes, and he now identifies the five most common ones so that they may be recognized and avoided.
Law Firms' Top Three Factors for Operational Success
February 28, 2011
Partners want to work for a firm that runs its operations well and gives them the best opportunity to be well compensated. There are many specific traits that can be debated, but there are three inherent operational difference makers that every law firm can control: business development, pricing controls, and controlling overhead costs.
How Clients Are Evaluating Pricing Today
February 28, 2011
Law departments are looking not only at the bottom line price, but also at the components that contribute to that bottom line. Law firm administrators can use the same type of analysis and information to guide pricing and matter management, and therefore demonstrate their firms' commitment to providing value and efficiency.
Building Your e-Commerce Company Wisely From the Start
February 28, 2011
For entrepreneurs, the movie <i>The Social Network</i> teaches one clear lesson (for which the movie ticket, even with popcorn and parking, will be far less expensive than a real-world fight with one's partners): The failure to properly document the ownership of a new company leaves the door open for all involved to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to sort the mess out later.
News Briefs
February 25, 2011
Highlights of the latest franchising news from around the country.
Court Watch
February 25, 2011
Highlights of the latest franchising cases from around the country.
Clark Partington Implements Practice Management and Overhauls Network
February 24, 2011
Hurricanes have consistently devastated Northwest Florida and the surrounding areas, destroying offices, businesses, homes and more. Consequently, my firm, Clark, Partington, Hart, Larry, Bond & Stackhouse, learned some important lessons and turned its attention to technology that would protect clients' information and facilitate workflow at the same time.