Backlash Gains Steam over Suits in D.C. Federal Court Against Film Sharers
June 30, 2010
Civil rights and consumer organizations are backing Time Warner Cable's federal court effort to block subpoenas for the names and addresses of thousands of individuals who allegedly downloaded movies illegally. The subpoenas are the result of a litigation campaign by US Copyright Group, a Washington, DC-based venture launched by the intellectual property law boutique, Dunlap, Grubb & Weaver.
The New Legal Workplace
June 30, 2010
The speed and shape of the American economic recovery is a matter of great debate. What is not up for speculation is the dramatic effect the downturn had on all businesses, including the legal industry. Workers and managers alike are struggling to figure out what will be expected from them in the coming business quarters, and how to deliver on these expectations. Here are three highlights for legal professionals which just may make the difference between being in the black or in the red.
Physician and Pharmaceutical Industry Relationships
June 22, 2010
According to a national survey of doctors published in <i>The New England Journal of Medicine</i>, 94% of physicians have "a relationship" with the pharmaceutical, medical device or related industries. A research firm recently estimated that drug companies spend over $20 billion annually marketing directly to physicians. With statistics like these, it is not surprising that the public is becoming concerned that these ties may influence how medications are developed, marketed and prescribed.
Hiring a Web Site Developer: Top 10 Tips
June 21, 2010
Whether your firm is redesigning its existing Web site or creating its first site, hiring a developer can be an expensive and time-consuming undertaking. To make your redesign/development experience rewarding and to avoid misunderstandings, outline the scope of your project before obtaining proposals from Web site design firms.
Conducting an Effective and Preventative Compensation Review
June 21, 2010
With the passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the EEOC's and OFCCP's increased focus on compensation discrimination, and the government's increased budget for these agencies, compensation decisions are destined to come under increased scrutiny from employees, their attorneys and the government.
Do-It-Yourself Lateral Hiring
June 21, 2010
Many firms believe that adding laterals is the easiest and least risky means to law firm growth. However, the reality is that many laterals (more than half in some firms) never achieve their promise or objectives in terms of bringing clients and revenue to the firm.
Is Your Firm a Next-Generation Laggard?
June 21, 2010
The talent crunch when the economy turns up and firms are hiring again will be magnified because so many Boomers are approaching the age when they will "retire" from current positions ' voluntarily or involuntarily. Will there be enough people trained, experienced and ready to capably step into their shoes? How will the Boomers who want to stay be productively employed for mutual benefit?
The Changing Role of the General Counsel
June 18, 2010
One of the major changes of the recession is how the boundaries of the client-lawyer relationship has been redrawn ' the power now firmly lies with the client as the status of general counsel within their own organization continues to grow.