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How Attorneys Can Have Their (Hybrid) Cake and Eat It, Too
December 01, 2022
No one would have predicted hybrid operations — but hybrid is here to stay. Firms have a lot to gain in terms of creating a new culture that attorneys love but that new culture will be built on flexibility and dynamism only technology can manage.
Questions About Fox Corp. CLO Bar Licensing
December 01, 2022
The chief legal officer of Fox Corp. since 2018 didn't become licensed in California until this summer, a delay one law professor described as a "big screw up" that might expose his communications with fellow Fox executives to public disclosure in the multibillion-dollar defamation litigation brought by two voting companies.
Online Harassment In the Workplace
December 01, 2022
As businesses expand their use of augmented reality games for the purpose of meeting and recruitment, internet harassment has become more prominent, particularly workplace sexual harassment.
What Can We Learn from the FTX Bankruptcy?
December 01, 2022
The sudden and spectacular crash of crypto-exchange FTX will send long-lasting tremors through both the nation's financial regulatory and bankruptcy landscapes.
Using Anti-Bribery and Corruption Regimes for ESG Concerns
December 01, 2022
Compliance leaders recognize that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is a growing concern for U.S. companies, but face challenges in determining how to embed compliance structures into their programs. One solution is to look to already existing anti-bribery and corruption (AB&C) compliance measures.
District Court Rules on Ripeness of Claim Under RLUIPA
December 01, 2022
When does a RLUIPA claim become ripe? A federal district court in the Southern District of New York dismissed a RLUIPA claim as unripe, borrowing ripeness doctrine from the takings context and declining to apply a "futility exception" to the requirement that a landowner obtain a final decision before proceeding to federal court.
Amending (or Terminating) Deferred Compensation Plans Without Penalties
December 01, 2022
This article reminds readers of §409A's draconian penalties and specific guidance of amending modifying, amending or terminating existing nonqualified deferred compensation plans.
Fresh Filings
December 01, 2022
A look at moves among attorneys, law firms, companies and other players in entertainment law.
A New Stage for Online Copyright Infringement Disputes
December 01, 2022
Copyright holders would be well advised to familiarize themselves with the Copyright Claims Board for resolving copyright infringement claims and to consider its benefits and potential downsides in bringing or defending copyright infringement actions.
Successor Liability Claims Constitute a 'Property Interest' for Purposes of a 363 Sale In Bankruptcy
December 01, 2022
In In re Norrenberns Foods, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Illinois had occasion to rule on a creditor's objection to the sale of a debtor's assets.