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Meeting Client Expectations
December 01, 2022
The New Reality, for which law firms are scrambling to equip themselves, is that law firms no longer define their own service levels. Now it's the clients, and they have clear expectation parameters.
District Court Provides Guidance on 'Psychedelic Confusion'
December 01, 2022
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York recently provided critical guidance on what the court observed as the "psychedelic confusion" surrounding the intersection of Bankruptcy Code §365, governing the assumption and rejection of executory contracts, and Bankruptcy Code §503, governing administrative priority.
Recent Decisions Fill Gap In §951 Notification Requirement for Agents of Foreign Governments
December 01, 2022
The Northern District of Illinois recently issued an opinion which criminalizes acting in the United States as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the attorney general.
Incident Response Plans and Tabletop Exercises May Be A Waste of Time
November 01, 2022
Developing and delivering an IRP or TTE to improve the effectiveness of your incident response approach, in isolation, does not work. If your incident response preparation activity does not include some fundamental tactical actions, when the time comes and your house is on fire, your breach response will fail to meet your expectations.
Hot Button Enforcement Issues In the New Canadian Consumer Privacy Protection Act
November 01, 2022
Part Four In a Series The conclusion of the series on Canada's recently introduced Consumer Privacy Protection Act looks at hot button enforcement issues in the Act.
The Great Resignation and Its Impact on Legal Department Contract Workflows & KM
November 01, 2022
Like other organizations, including law firms, in-house legal departments have not been spared from the "great resignation." Lawyers and professionals across all industries are actively seeking new opportunities for a host of reasons including better pay, better culture and better balance. When they leave, they take with them not just their talent but the institutional knowledge they've accumulated, while their former team members are left to piece things together.
Arm Yourself Against Crypto Regulatory Uncertainty
November 01, 2022
The promise that the crypto and digital assets markets bring comes bundled with uncertainty — especially on the regulatory front. Until jurisdictions adopt unified and consistent frameworks that account for the unique facets and features of cryptocurrencies, institutional investors and other market participants must keep abreast of ever-changing, dynamic laws to avoid sanctions and fines.
Courts Strictly Construing Cyber Insurance Policies, Finding Coverage Is Narrow
November 01, 2022
In several recent cases, companies with cyber insurance discovered that provisions in these policies led their insurers to limit coverage. Courts have been strictly construing cyber policies, and have found that the coverage provided is narrow. These decisions hinged upon whether an event constituted a covered "direct" loss and whether intervening actions precluded coverage, like an employee responding to fraudulent communications.
Evolution of the Standing Requirement In Data Breach Class Actions
November 01, 2022
As the landscape of cybersecurity and data privacy continues to evolve, so do the requirements needed to establish standing in regard to the type of harm suffered as a result of a data breach. Moreover, there has been a shift in the requirements needed to hold an organization legally and financially responsible for data stolen during a data breach.
Second Circuit Addresses Significant Music Compulsory Licensing Issues In Bill Graham Archives Dispute
November 01, 2022
In 2015, a group of music publishers sued the purchaser of the Bill Graham Archives — a repository that includes live performances staged by the late, legendary concert promoter of an array of musical artists beginning in the 1960s. Now, the Second Circuit has handed down its appellate opinion in the litigation, addressing the important compulsory licensing concerns as well as some of the additional issues in the case.