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We found 6,207 results for "Marketing the Law Firm"...

Law Firms Tackle Mental Health, 1 Initiative at a Time
July 01, 2019
Forty firms out of the Am Law 200 offered details on the steps they're taking to improve mental health and wellness among attorneys and staff.
Expanding Your Digital Strategy with RPA
June 01, 2019
Beyond improving efficiency, new advancements in Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, are helping lawyers do more <i>billable</i> work without hiring more people.
2 U.S. Law Firms Among Cybercrime Victims
June 01, 2019
<b><i>Because They Often Possess Valuable Information on a Variety of Companies and Individuals, Law Offices Continue to Be a Favorite Target for Hackers</b></i><p>The DOJ said that two U.S.-based law firms were among the victims of a “complex transnational organized cyber-crime network” that has been taken down.
Social Media Influencers: Basic Tax Issues
June 01, 2019
This article discusses the basic tax issues facing social media influencers, who have become an important element in the entertainment industry.
The Importance of Social Skills: Technology and Data Are Not Enough to Grow Your Firm's Business
June 01, 2019
Data is taking over our lives. And preceding that is all of the applications and technology that exists that helps us measure that information. But technology and data are not going to be the only growth drivers of a firm in the future. What's going to become most important in the face of the technological changes that are occurring in law firms is a lawyer's "soft-skills."
Permitted Uses: Flexibility and Adaptability
June 01, 2019
When negotiating permitted-use clauses under retail leases, landlords attempt to achieve the most comprehensive limitations possible so as to avoid conflicts with other tenants' leases and violations of exclusive-use clauses that are maintained by other tenants in the retail facility. Tenants, however, should be very careful to incorporate a certain degree of flexibility and adaptability into their leases' permitted-use clauses to take into account an evolving landscape.
Are Online Reviews Threatening Your Online Reputation?
June 01, 2019
An attorney's reputation may be one of the most important factors that clients consider before hiring counsel. In today's world of online reviews, managing your reputation can be challenging. How should you manage online reviews to ensure your reputation and trustworthiness are intact?
Litigation Expense Deductibility: New Appellate Court Decision
June 01, 2019
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a decision that explains some of the requirements for deducting litigation expenses. The facts of the case are bizarre, but the controlling legal principles are not.
Voice of the Client: Hearing the Client Through the Noise
June 01, 2019
At the end of the day, a lot of noise is created in the effort to hear the voice of the client. We propose that while these efficiencies and innovations in law are valuable, the clients keep asking for something different: a lawyer who deeply understands their business and their specific issue — at the time they need it.
Antitrust Issues Grow Out of Esports' Success
June 01, 2019
As esports continues its meteoric growth, its antitrust exposure also grows. Soon, the competitive video game industry must address its increasing market share, either voluntarily or in the form of lawsuits and regulations imposed from the outside.