All Is Not Fair In Love and Warhol
June 01, 2023
A new balance must be struck between the new use and the exclusive right of authors to make derivative works, and part of that balance includes a clearer focus on the statutory fair use factors as well as the commercial nature or not of the new work. As a practical matter, how much the decision changes in this "troublesome" area remains to be seen.
Generative AI and Patent Considerations
June 01, 2023
A patent strategy informed by the unique considerations raised by generative AI will optimize protections for innovations in the field. Patent strategies should reflect the current legal landscape as well as anticipate potential future legal developments.
IP Considerations for ITC General Exclusion Orders
June 01, 2023
In recent years, the ITC has issued more General Exclusion Orders (GEOs) than in the past. For IP owners facing infringing imported products from numerous elusive sources, a GEO can be a powerful remedy to tackle all infringing products at once.
Securing License for Internet Artificial Intelligence
June 01, 2023
As AI increasingly interpenetrates internet transactions, licensing interest expands. The licensing of internet AI intellectual property is stymied because legal difficulties such as the proper assessment of the jurisdiction for the licensing agreement and the nature of the internet including the proper identification of the parties for the licensing agreement.
The First Amendment and the Lanham Act At the Supreme Court
May 01, 2023
In March, the Supreme Court heard a blockbuster trademark case with significant implications for trademark law. After argument, reversal seems likely as questioning from the justices suggests that a long-standing precedent is unlikely to survive unscathed. But the Court also indicated concern over the broader implications of this case in the arts, entertainment, and publishing. Here's what you need to know about Jack Daniel's v. VIP Products.
ChatGPT, Generative AI and IP Considerations
May 01, 2023
Part Two of a Two-Part Article
Part One of this article briefly detailed what "generative AI" tools like ChatGPT are and provided an overview of key legal considerations. Part Two looks at upcoming AI-specific legislation and the path forward for firms wanting to use AI in practice.
Music Rates and Royalties In 2023
May 01, 2023
Part Two of a Two-Part Article
Part One of this article discussed mechanical licenses and interactive streaming services. Part Two covers songwriters and music publishers, and record labels.
IP News
May 01, 2023
Federal Circuit Affirms the Board's Finding of Anticipation Because Prior Art Patent and References Incorporated Therein Inherently Meet the Disputed Claim Limitations
Federal Circuit Affirms a Finding of Infringement Because the District Court Correctly Construed "a" and "said" and Rejects Anticipation Argument on Waiver Grounds
Federal Circuit Vacates Judgment of Non-Infringement Because the Underlying Stipulation Failed to Provide Sufficient Detail for the Court to Resolve Certain Claim Construction Issues
ChatGPT, Generative AI and IP
April 01, 2023
Part One of a Two-Part Article
Corporate legal departments are increasingly receiving requests from business clients to use ChatGPT or similar AI-powered tools in their operations. These requests can be urgent, with business clients demanding enablement from legal. This article is in two parts: Part One briefly details what "generative AI" tools like ChatGPT are and provides an overview of key legal and IP considerations, including by looking forward to upcoming AI-specific legislation in the EU and the U.S.
Authorship and Copyright In Hybrid AI-Human Collaborative Works
April 01, 2023
The United States Copyright Office recently issued a letter ruling on the copyrightability of Kristina Kashtanova's comic book-like work, Zarya of the Dawn. The Kashtanova ruling indicates that the Copyright Office's determination of copyrightability of works involving use of AI will rely on whether the author is able to control and foresee with some measure of predictability the output of the authorial process