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We found 1,205 results for "Cybersecurity Law & Strategy"...

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Finding the Line in the Sand
July 29, 2011
The scope of the CFAA is the subject of an emerging split among federal courts of appeals as highlighted by a recent opinion by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which rejected the claim that its decision would make criminals out of millions of employees who might utilize their work computers for personal use.
<b><i>Commentary:</b></i> Cybersecurity Needs Public Notice
May 27, 2010
There is an important debate unfolding across government and the private sector over a critical national security issue: how to secure America's information networks from cybersabotage, espionage and attacks. Congress, the executive branch and the private sector must all do a better job of engaging the public on decisions that are so important.
Law Firms Slow To Awaken to Cybersecurity Threats
March 29, 2010
Law firms have been targeted by a sophisticated network of overseas hackers looking to infiltrate computer systems in order to gather data or monitor attorney activity, according to attorneys and technology experts. Law firms have dealt quietly with cyberattacks for years, but lately those strikes appear to be on the rise.
Are Web Applications a Security Concern?
July 29, 2009
Private companies with external Web sites can be susceptible to attackers looking to commit defacement or infiltrate computer networks to steal sensitive information. Here's what you need to know.
Are Web Applications a Security Concern?
July 24, 2009
Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, a wave of cyber-assaults, or "denial of service" attacks, believed to have originated in North Korea, targeted a number of U.S. and South Korean government agencies and commercial Web sites, causing some to suffer temporary outages. While there were no reported leaks of classified information or serious damage to networks, the organized assault underscored the conclusions of a recent White House cybersecurity review; namely, that the country's digital infrastructure and domestic networks are not secure.
e-Commerce Companies v. Hackers
March 30, 2009
The 21st century is clearly the age of cybercrime, and e-commerce companies of all stripes should be especially concerned because there are only two types of computer systems: those that have been hacked, and those that will be hacked.
Franchise Companies vs. Hackers: Twenty Questions on Cybercrime
February 24, 2009
The 21st century is clearly the age of cybercrime, and franchise companies should be especially concerned because, simplistically, there are only two types of computer systems: those that have been hacked, and those that will be hacked.
Losing My e-Mail
December 29, 2008
In today's BlackBerry-driven, online business world, losing one's e-mail ' and access to other online forms of communication ' has to be worse than REM's fear of losing one's religion. Yet that is just the fate that may await our next President, who has already publicly confessed (on national television, no less, though you can certainly find the story on the Internet) his steadfast inability to shake his smoking addiction under the stress of a Presidential campaign.
Averting Data Security Threats From Portable Electronics
December 22, 2006
The proliferation of flash drives, iPods, camera cell phones, Black-berries, and similar electronic devices has put all companies at added risk for insider theft. With the use of these devices, downloading significant amounts of data is easy, virtually instantaneous, and often very difficult to detect. These risks apply to essentially all companies that allow employees access to electronically stored, confidential, and proprietary information.<br>So what is today's company supposed to do to protect its valuable, sensitive information in the face of the risks posed by new portable devices?
Cybersecurity Researcher Addresses 'Misplaced' Fears: Q&A with Professor Fred H. Cate
December 19, 2006
<i>The Privacy and Data Protection Legal Reporter</i> spoke recently with Professor Fred H. Cate, distinguished professor of law and adjunct professor of informatics at Indiana University, in Bloomington, IN, about what he sees as the hyperbole that, at times, overtakes the public discussion about ID theft and electronic security. As the director of Indiana University's Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research, Cate is a leading researcher and consultant on issues such as phishing, consumers' use of passwords, and cybersecurity.