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Are We Over Thinking Office Return Strategies?
October 01, 2022
Routines based around 'work from home' are calcifying, and commuting, parking, sandwich shops and childcare are fading into distant memory. With each passing week, the challenge to win attorneys back into the office increases.
In Digital-First Landscape, All Data Is At Risk
October 01, 2022
With hybrid and remote working practices having become the norm, lawyers communicate through messaging applications — including on personal devices — and firms are using innovative technologies in novel ways as they adopt digital means of working. In this digital-first landscape, all data is at risk. The good news is that new security solutions offer law firms a range of new tools to counter this threat.
EU Releases Attempt At Comprehensive Cybersecurity Legislation
October 01, 2022
The European Union released its first attempt at a comprehensive cybersecurity legislation, the Cyber Resilience Act — and its impact on the technology market could be far-reaching.
Can Regulation Provide Stability Through 'Cryptocurrency Winter'?
October 01, 2022
It comes as no surprise as we enter the second half of the year that the crypto winter has reinforced the perception of critics that digital currencies are "risky, flawed and unproven digital financial instruments." This article examines the impact of cybercrimes and crypto bankruptcies on the current market.
The Meaning of the 'War Exclusion Clauses' In Cyberinsurance
October 01, 2022
The Eastern European conflict is already adding stress to already strained domestic relationships in the U.S. — between businesses and cyber insurance companies. As businesses face more cyberthreats than ever before, many are seeing higher premiums. Meanwhile, insurance companies are looking for ways to skirt coverage obligations that end up proving far too expensive
Legal Tech: Duty to Preserve ESI of Hybrid-Driven Collaborative Tools
October 01, 2022
With heightened ease of use and convenience comes a duty for businesses and organizations to employ best practices regarding their responsibilities in maintaining the electronically stored information (ESI) that these applications create.
The Guaranty Law Only Guarantees A Broken Contract
October 01, 2022
A wave of legislation designed to aid tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic has had an outsized effect on commercial landlord-tenant relations in New York City. The bill that has attracted perhaps the most attention is known as the "Guaranty Law."
Real Property Law
October 01, 2022
Historic District Designation Not Covered By Title Insurance Liquidated Damages Provision Not an Unenforceable Penalty
Landlord & Tenant Law
October 01, 2022
Unsigned Lease Agreement Not Binding Requirement That Tenants Speak English Supports Fair Housing Act Claim Nonpayment During Pandemic Not Excused By Lease's Casualty Clause Tenant's Diligent Efforts to Convert Property Satisfied Lease Obligation
October 01, 2022
No Automatic Entitlement to Special Permit Adverse Impact on Burial Sites Justified Variance Denial Area Variance Denial Upheld Special Permit Grant Reinstated