Social Media Use as Evidence of Juror Misconduct
April 30, 2013
Jury service is an important element of civic participation, but necessarily involves hours of waiting and quiet observation of proceedings, evoking, for some, a hunger for expression or quick entertainment. Smartphones, with easy social networking capabilities, give jurors an avenue to let off steam. However, they also allow jurors to disobey the court's instructions and discuss elements of the case before the trial is complete.
NJ: Blogger's Sources Protected
April 30, 2013
A New Jersey state court judge has extended the protections of New Jersey's newspersons' Shield Law to independent bloggers, even those who crusade against perceived government corruption and mismanagement.
Upcoming Events
April 30, 2013
Cutting-Edge Case Developments in Film & TV Law<br>Current Issues in Music and Entertainment Law
Bit Parts
April 30, 2013
Fifth Circuit Supports Perpetual License as Remedy for Video-Game Dispute<br>Musical Composition Doesn't Infringe Screenplay<br>Redigi Resales Case Factors Into Digital-Download Royalty Litigation
Tax Planning for Nonresident Alien Artists
April 30, 2013
The independent contractor nonresident alien (NRA) who has a high level of U.S. tax-related operating expenses may wish to consider the feasibility of obtaining a Central Withholding Agreement (CWA) or otherwise be saddled with 30% tax withholding on his or her gross fees.
Expected Impact of Supreme Court First-Sale Ruling
April 30, 2013
The U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling in <i>Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons</i>, that a legally obtained copyrighted work can be imported into the United States and resold without permission from the copyright owner, even if it was manufactured and sold overseas, has broad legal ramifications going forward, intellectual property attorneys say.
Comparing Contract Drafting in the United States and United Kingdom
April 30, 2013
The authors' previous article, in the March 2013 issue of <i>Entertainment Law & Finance</i>, considered differences between copyright regimes in the United Kingdom and the United States. This article highlights some of the principal differences between UK and U.S. contract law.
Supreme Court's <i>Kirtsaeng</i> Decision Fuels 'First Sale' Debate
April 30, 2013
Publishers frequently charge different prices in foreign markets, and they have argued that allowing unrestricted importation threatens that practice. In March, the Supreme Court squarely addressed this issue for the first time in <i>John Wiley & Sons Inc. v. Kirtsaeng</i> and held that the first-sale doctrine does in fact apply to copies made overseas and, as a result, these copies could be purchased in foreign markets and legally resold in the United States.