Caveat Intercreditor: Bankruptcy May Be Coming
March 01, 2019
<b><i>Bankruptcy Provisions in First Lien/Second Lien Intercreditor Agreements</b></i><p>While intercreditor agreements (ICAs) are not necessarily the most attention-grabbing of the various loan documents common to large financing transactions, they are nevertheless important, and lack of attention to detail with respect to their provisions could lead to unintended results in any future bankruptcy case.
Competitive Intelligence: Creating a Culture of Intelligence
March 01, 2019
We hear that clients hate to be cross-sold. However, this does not mean that clients are not interested to be introduced to new colleagues who can provide insight. Rather, cross selling must be thoughtful and tailored to clients' needs
Sales Speak: Maximize Your Chambers (and other) Rankings
March 01, 2019
While ranking directories are rarely the only tools used to find a firm or lawyer, in-house counsel and CEOs often turn to them as informative research sources. For these reasons alone, preparing materials and references for submission, even though time-consuming, may make sense under the right circumstances.
Five Keys to Successfully Transitioning Clients Across Generations
March 01, 2019
<b><i>Strengthening Cultural Expectations Is Key</b></i><p>Client relationship succession planning is a top concern among law firm leaders. Firms of all stripes frequently develop goals in their strategic plans to facilitate more effective client relationship transitions. However, there is room for many firms to take a more formal and proactive approach to effectively transition client relationships across generations.
Farewell, For Now: I'm Cheering You On!
March 01, 2019
In nearly 30 years as a legal marketing professional, I have seen firsthand so many changes and developments in law firms' perception and treatment of business development and marketing as a business practice. Here are a few takeaways that I trust will be uplifting as you continue to pave your professional journey in legal marketing.
Voice of the Client: So Important, It Comes First
February 01, 2019
It is vital to have effective marketing and communications, but if legal and business professionals don't listen for — and hear — the Voice of the Client, we risk missing the mark in our strategy, messaging and positioning.
Planning for the Crisis That Will Strike Your Law Firm
February 01, 2019
Reputation is everything. It only takes one misstep to cause irreparable damage to a law firm and its attorneys. As we get into 2019, it is imperative for law firms to plan for the effective management of myriad incidents that may have an adverse impact on the business of law and the reputation of the firm.