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We found 6,207 results for "Marketing the Law Firm"...

Competitive Intelligence: Become More Relevant – Meet Your Clients' Needs Every Time
November 01, 2018
Becoming and staying relevant is a process. It is not static but always evolving. Your clients change, their needs and requests change, you change, and, throughout these experiences, you learn steps to implement and how to implement them in given situations.
Media & Communication: 3 Ways to Drive Higher ROI from Press Releases
November 01, 2018
In an age where law firms can quickly disseminate news to target audiences via multiple social media platforms as well as their own websites, is it finally time to put the press release out to pasture? The press release is a valuable PR tool that deserves to live on. Executed correctly, the benefits outweigh the cost.
Active Listening Wins Clients
November 01, 2018
All too often, we read studies, which report clients' pet peeve with their services providers whom do not listening to them. Or, cited another way, clients…
Legal Tech: Stop, Collaborate and Listen -- Collaboration Tools Are a Brand New Invention
November 01, 2018
Today's workplaces require tools that enhance employee productivity and provide the flexibility to never miss a critical business opportunity. Organizations in other industries have already experienced the benefits of enterprise collaboration, and now this technology is making its way into the legal sector. The rise of enterprise collaboration is redefining the modern law firm and legal department.
Debtor v. UST: The Battleground Over Retention of a Chief Restructuring Officer
November 01, 2018
The battle over retaining a chief restructuring officer, which the United States Trustee has traditionally not objected to, is heating up.
Early Termination Provisions: A Landlord's Saving Grace … If Done Right
November 01, 2018
The focus of this article is the “early termination provision,” a lease provision that affords landlords the tactical advantage they need. Specifically, this article seeks to: 1) guide the practitioner through the pitfalls of a poorly drafted termination provision; and 2) advise the practitioner how to craft a proper and effective termination provision.
Only 30% of Workday Is Spent on Billable Hours, Report Says
November 01, 2018
U.S. lawyers are still spending too little of their workday on billable hours, a year after an eye-opening report found lawyers devoted only 29% — 2.3 hours — of each eight-hour workday to billable hours.
Valuation Implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
November 01, 2018
This article focuses on the impact of tax reform on C corporations and looks at the significant and complex changes to pass through entities.
Which Financial Representations Will Justify a Discharge Objection after Lamar, Archer?
November 01, 2018
The Supreme Court's decision in <i>Lamar, Archer &amp; Cofrin, LLP v. Appling</i> has significantly constricted the range and nature of statements that will support a successful objection by a creditor to the discharge of a debt that was obtained by the statements in question. This constriction could have a very real impact on how entities that loan money or provide services on credit review and collect information regarding a borrower's creditworthiness.
Law Firms Are More Profitable Than Ever. How are They Doing It?
November 01, 2018
<b><i>Given the Obstacles Law Firms Are Facing, Profitability Shouldn't Be Increasing</b></i><p>Rising competition from alternative service providers and the ever-forward march of technology adoption should be having a similar, negative, effect on profitability. This raises an obvious question — how are law firms doing it?