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When to Raise Equity Capital In a Fund Structure
September 01, 2022
Gravitating to a fund structure is also no easy task and as with any investment program, the first one is always the most difficult. However, the benefits far outweigh the costs for any experienced real estate investment firm. The primary concern with a fund structure is who will sell the equity in the fund.
The Duty and Benefits of Technology Competence
September 01, 2022
We all have experienced technology's dramatic effect on bankruptcy practice, particularly in the electronic filing of documents and in the electronic communication and sharing of information among parties.
IP Rights In the Metaverse
September 01, 2022
The metaverse, an immersive virtual experience building on the Internet and the physical world, has become a prominent force in branding and marketing for companies struggling to keep up in an ever so globalized economy. Parallel to this digital expansion has been a surge of intellectual property issues.
Midlevel Survey Shows What Law Firms Are Getting Right — and Wrong
September 01, 2022
Midlevel associates aren't less willing than their predecessors to do the brain-bending amount of work. It's that after two years of billing massive hours through an isolating global pandemic, they're completely disloyal to the status quo. They kept firms going, they made partners rich, and now they plan to reshape the profession in their image.
Filing a Reissue Can Correct Serious Patent Errors
September 01, 2022
Reissue applications may be quite useful. They may be useful in correcting some type of errors that one would normally think of as "errors" in the strict sense of the word. But they may also be used to correct "errors" in scope of patent protection and may thus be used to increase patent value and should thus be considered as a strategic tool in a patent holder's toolbox.
Fresh Filings
September 01, 2022
A look at moves among attorneys, law firms, companies and other players in entertainment law.
Landlord & Tenant Law
September 01, 2022
Double Rent Holdover Provision Enforceable; Late Fee Unenforceable As a Penalty Extrinisic Evidence Inadmissible to Vary Terms of Lease Agreement Court Upholds Holdover and Prejudgment Interest Provisions Unsigned Lease Agreement Not Binding
Second Circuit Ruling Offers Ways to Mitigate FCPA Risk Through Corporate Structure
September 01, 2022
Despite the FCPA's breadth and its aggressive enforcement, it has largely escaped judicial scrutiny. Individuals and companies are reluctant to test the bounds of the law and risk federal prison or crippling penalties. But one man has refused to fall in line and has almost single-handedly shaped recent FCPA jurisprudence.
Will Other States Follow NY's Lead on Requiring Cybersecurity CLE?
September 01, 2022
New York has become the first state to add a requirement mandating that lawyers take legal education courses in cybersecurity, privacy and data protection. As cyberthreats will likely continue to both grow and evolve in sophistication, attorneys expect this requirement to be only a first step, with more states likely to soon follow.
Are You Facing a Problem or a Crisis?
September 01, 2022
Recognizing the many degrees of severity and activity levels is crucial when a matter presents itself. Is it time to go scorched earth or take it in stride and allow a situation to fizzle? When defining the spectrum from minor issue to crisis, it is vital to understand how a problem can become a crisis if left unattended or how jumping the gun and overreacting can be disastrous.