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We found 2,102 results for "Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report"...

Fraud, Fraud Everywhere (Nor Any Relief For the Victim)
January 28, 2009
From Wall Street executives, to Ponzi scammers like Bernard Madoff, to run-of-the-mill scammers easily exposed at sites such as, the Internet ' as we all should know ' has truly souped up, and made easier, frauders' ability to prey on others than ever before.
Ponzi Schemes Revisited
January 28, 2009
The unraveling of a $50-billion dollar Ponzi scheme allegedly perpetrated by Bernard L. Madoff has brought a new magnitude to an old but hardy scam. Here's a look at how Ponzi schemes work.
Losing My e-Mail
December 29, 2008
In today's BlackBerry-driven, online business world, losing one's e-mail ' and access to other online forms of communication ' has to be worse than REM's fear of losing one's religion. Yet that is just the fate that may await our next President, who has already publicly confessed (on national television, no less, though you can certainly find the story on the Internet) his steadfast inability to shake his smoking addiction under the stress of a Presidential campaign.
What Your Firm Can Learn from Toyota
December 23, 2008
Any adjustments we can make to our management style using LEAN processing techniques can significantly beef up a firm's bottom line.
Exchange Rate Fluctuation in the Context of Partner Remuneration at the Global Firms
December 23, 2008
Foreign exchange issues can present problems in the partner remuneration context. Various internal methods can be employed, however, to successfully address the challenges.
Web 2.0: Don't Miss The Big Picture
December 22, 2008
Web 2.0 is more than merely an upgrade of Web 1.0; rather, it is an evolutionary step toward a major change to the practice of law ' and the end of the bricks-and-mortar world of law firms as we know them today.
Los Angeles Affiliates Feel Fallout From Charges Against Marc Dreier
December 22, 2008
The fate of 74 lawyers in Los Angeles was unclear after New York lawyer Marc Dreier was charged in December with $100 million in securities fraud. Dreier, the founder and managing partner of New York firm Dreier LLP, was charged with one count of securities fraud and one count of wire fraud, both of which involve a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
Practical Advice for European Electronic Discovery Projects
December 22, 2008
If you are a U.S.-based IT or litigation support professional, have you ever received an e-mail message that ended like this: "And there are three people in the Munich office"? If you have not, you may very well receive such a message within the next few months. This article provides practical advice for European electronic discovery projects for litigation support and IT professionals.
Managing and Monitoring Your Law Firm's Reputation Online
December 19, 2008
In just a few hours, a single negative, biting reference about a firm on a single, well-trafficked blog can easily mushroom through viral marketing into widespread hostility or ridicule across the Internet. Here's what to do.
Networking Success for the Single Attorney
December 19, 2008
Many single and divorced people are savoring their unmarried lifestyles, and are leveraging the freedom of being unattached to creatively develop their business networks.