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Tips to Minimize Malpractice Claims
September 01, 2022
So long as humans are practicing law, mistakes will happen; but well prepared attorneys are proactive and take the affirmative steps to put themselves in a position to minimize the danger to the client and the case.
CRE Case Roundup
September 01, 2022
A compilation of commercial real estate rulings in courts across the country.
Data Rights, Data Duties, & Data Risks: The American Data Privacy and Protection Act
August 01, 2022
While the ADPPA represents compromises between Democratic and Republican leadership of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, particularly around the thorny issues of state law preemption and private rights of action, there are other legislative and big tech industry players pushing their own agendas for comprehensive national data privacy and security frameworks.
Not Just Your Same Old Privacy Legislation: A Compliance Briefing for Privacy Officers on the New Canadian Consumer Privacy Protection Act
August 01, 2022
Part One In a Series This article, which reviews the Canadian Consumer Privacy Protection Act, first seeks to identify the delta between the Act and PIPEDA in order to allow privacy officers of organizations that are already PIPEDA compliant to identify the net new compliance requirements under the Act and second, to highlight the provisions of the Act which, if breached, could lead to the imposition of significant fines.
Data Privacy and Security Considerations for Mobile Health App Developers and Their Counsel
August 01, 2022
In light of the evolving legal and regulatory landscape, app developers and their counsel should examine developers' privacy and security practices and take steps to safeguard sensitive data related to reproductive health.
California's Latest Privacy Rulemaking Proposes Further Obligations for Businesses  
August 01, 2022
While the the California Privacy Protection Agency kicked some of the more difficult issues down the road for further consideration, its first draft of proposed Regs is quite comprehensive with respect to the issues addressed. The authority for some of what is proposed is questionable and will likely be challenged in comments, if not judicial action, if such provisions become final.
Proactively Tackling Unstructured Data Can Give Competitive Advantage
August 01, 2022
Unstructured data comprises 80% of total data volume for legal organizations, which means that on average, only one-fifth of the entirety of the data set is properly secured and actively managed. Although some believe that ignoring unstructured data establishes plausible deniability that relinquishes them from culpability when a breach occurs, it's an untenable position from both a regulatory and brand reputational perspective.
Cloud-Based Discovery Is at Critical Mass: A Practical Approach
August 01, 2022
Part Two of a Two-Part Series Cloud technology use in discovery is inevitable. Fortunately, one of the inherent benefits of cloud discovery platforms is the ability to spin up a proof of concept matter quickly to get your feet wet. This article provides a practical approach to making sure you're ready for the cloud when the time comes.
Online Accessibility and SEO
August 01, 2022
How can you make your user experience the best it can be for all potential clients, and lead with empathy and equity as you demonstrate your knowledge? That's where your law firm's SEO strategy comes into play.
Traditional Legal Ops Putting Law Firms At Disadvantage When Recruiting for Cybersecurity and Privacy
August 01, 2022
Law firms are still insisting on engaging with clients in the traditional legal model — by hours billed. Whereas cybersecurity services such as breach monitoring have the potential for a much deeper and stickier relationship with the client.