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Ninth Circuit Says Copyright Plaintiffs Can Reach Back More Than Three Years In Seeking Infringement Damages
August 01, 2022
How far back from accrual of a claim may a plaintiff reach for copyright damages?
'Banana' Artwork Dispute Presents Slippery Slope for Copyright
August 01, 2022
In July, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida denied a motion to dismiss in Morford v. Cattelan, a decision that began by posing the question: "Can a banana taped to a wall be art?"
Removing Restrictive Covenants
August 01, 2022
In Rockwell v. Despart, the Third Department recently revisited a recurring question: When may a landowner seek judicial removal of a covenant restricting use of her land?
Dealing With Deleted, Unsent and Edited ESI 
August 01, 2022
While text messages and email have the appearance of reliability, technological advances have, over time, rendered many digital communications less static and more open to manipulation.
China Court's Ruling On NFTs and Copyrights
August 01, 2022
China, which has had an up-and-down relationship with the U.S. entertainment industry, became the latest country to offer a key regulatory framework in its first-ever case dealing with NFTs and the copyright violations they are sometimes saddled with.
Ricky Martin Sued By Former Manager
August 01, 2022
Ricky Martin's former manager claims the singer owes her more than $3 million in unpaid commissions, according to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court.
Using Artificial Intelligence In White-Collar Matters
August 01, 2022
AI currently is playing a growing role in helping white-collar lawyers and their clients analyze vast amounts of data to uncover insights, connections, and patterns that would be impossible to detect through manual reviews. This article provides an introduction to AI technology and discusses the key regulatory developments practitioners should be aware of as they advise their clients on AI.
Commercial Lease Assumption Under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
August 01, 2022
Given the potentially harsh consequence of failing to timely assume a vital lease, a Chapter 11 debtor must be vigilant to avoid a forfeiture. It is important to know, however, that all might not be lost even if the debtor misses this deadline.
6 Steps to a Successful Business Development Plan
August 01, 2022
Driving Growth Through Client Success and Thought Leadership Business development is a critical part of a law firm's growth strategy. It balances client success, competitive marketing and new acquisitions in order to sustain the firm's reputation as a high-quality service provider. It is the bridge between marketing and sales. Here are six steps to building a modern business development plan that is guaranteed to drive growth through client success and thought leadership.
Federal Circuit Analyzes Specification and Prosecution History Claim Language Usage
August 01, 2022
University of Massachusetts v. L'Oréal Absent an express disclaimer or special definition of how a term is to be interpreted, it can be frustrating to get a court to reject the plain and ordinary meaning of claim language read in a vacuum, based on the subtleties of how a term is used in a patent or its prosecution history.