Inventory Management
April 29, 2009
Clients withholding payments directly impacts partners' bottom lines. As such, law firms are always focused on billing and collecting as much as they can in the last quarter of the year. The current crisis has trumped even the most diligent efforts of law firms to bring in cash, and it illustrates the importance of having sound inventory management practices that are followed throughout the year.
2008 Law Firm Compensation Program Survey Results
April 29, 2009
Incisive Legal Intelligence Surveys (formerly Altman Weil Publications') recently released its sixth look at the methods and philosophies of compensation in private law firms: The Survey of Compensation Programs in Law Firms. Data were collected during the last quarter of 2008. This article provides commentary on highlights from the partner compensation portion of the study.
Unitary Business Taxation Principles
April 29, 2009
For at least the last two decades, law firms have continually expanded their operations across state lines (and national boundaries as well). Thus, today's law firms have to confront the intriguing and difficult questions of the power of the several states to tax operations that extend across state lines.
Natural Orifice Surgery
April 28, 2009
Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery ' often referenced by the acronym NOTES ' is becoming increasingly popular. Here is a discussion of potential avenues of liability claims associated with the surgery.
Giving 'Til It Hurts
March 31, 2009
How can you serve your community ' and frequently, your firm ' without hurting your own firm's budget and community relations? You can say yes too often and dissipate your budget and your firm's time and energy, but how do you say no without seeming to be coldhearted and indifferent to community or charitable needs?
Put Technology to Work for Your Firm
March 31, 2009
Today's tough economy finds many firms searching for new ways to improve profitability by increasing leverage through the use of technology. Preserving a competitive edge is crucial and can mean the difference between success or failure. Investing in the right technology, and the efficient use thereof, could help your firm weather or even thrive during the tough times ahead.
India Opens Its Doors to Foreign Consultancy Firms
March 31, 2009
India looms large on the horizon as the next territory for increased expansion by law firms. A recent court ruling holding that India may tax a foreign law firm only for work actually performed in India, coupled with the enactment of a law permitting businesses to operate as limited liability partnerships, pave the way for these firms to enter the Indian market.
Eight Recession-Busting Tactics
March 31, 2009
When the recession ends, many firms will have survived. But those that thrived will have employed all or some of the measures outlined in this article.
Softening the Landing for Employees Caught in a Reduction in Force
March 31, 2009
As uncertainties in the economy continue, many law firms are facing the reality of excess capacity. Unfortunately, "right-sizing" a firm generally means laying off valuable employees. The loss of a job can be traumatic even in good times, when an employee can expect to quickly land a new position. But with cuts coming from businesses across the board, the next paycheck may be a long way down the road.
Centralizing Stores of Information to Make Retention Policies Possible
March 30, 2009
Most law firms understand the need to plan for the implementation of records retention policies, but there has been little agreement on how to achieve this goal. Firms are acutely aware of the rising costs associated with storing physical data and the burden surrounding backup, maintenance and migration of electronic content. When faced with the need to produce information, be it at a client request or when compelled by a court, the more control a firm has over its data, the more efficient and cost effective this process will be.